An Emerging Field Group (EFG) consists of a small group of international researchers working in the field of learning and instruction active within a new, emerging field of research.

EARLI offers these researchers the opportunity to work together during a short but intense period of time to explore the possibilities in their shared field of interest.


The aim of the EFG initiative is to support exploratory, innovative and risk-taking approaches, allowing its participants to focus on innovative and new fields of research, with an emphasis on exploration and process rather than output and product.

In order to support this initiative to the fullest, the EARLI Board of Directors provides substantial funding of up to € 20.000 for each EFG.


An EFG can be founded by a group of researchers with the intention to work closely together during a short, fixed period of time. Each EFG runs for two years, with the possibility to extend this with another two years. The main objective of the EFG Policy is to allow researchers to experiment with their ideas and methods, without focussing too much on the outcome or result of this process.

EFG Policy

EFG Call for Applications 2024

EFG Application Form 2024


Each Emerging Field Group application which meets the eligibility criteria as described in the Emerging Field Group Policy will be assessed by an international committee, comprised of members of the EARLI Board of Directors and stakeholders.

Find out more about the Emerging Field Group evaluation procedure in the following, supporting documents:

Evaluation Process

Evaluation Grid

EFGs 2022 - 2024

Following a lengthy evaluation procedure, two applications have been granted the EARLI Emerging Field Group funding for 2022 - 2024.

Unpacking collaboration - Multimodal collaboration analytics and mixed methods designs for exploring collaborative problem solving
led by Crina Damsa, University of Oslo, Norway & Hanni Muukkonen, University of Oulu, Finland

Social- and Telepresence in Online Social Learning
led by Emmy Vrieling-Teunter, Open Universiteit, Netherlands

EFGs 2020 - 2022

Six applications have been granted the EARLI Emerging Field Group funding for 2020 - 2022:

EFGs 2018 - 2020

Four applications have been granted the EARLI Emerging Field Group funding for 2018 - 2020.