Become an EARLI sponsor

EARLI 2025 welcomes a variety of publishers and companies to take part in our exhibition, or act as a conference sponsor. Check out the options below or contact us to become an official EARLI 2025 sponsor!

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About EARLI 2025

The 21st Biennial EARLI Conference (EARLI 2025) is hosted by EARLI and the University of Graz (Austria), from 25 - 29 August 2025. Participants are encouraged to present results and ideas on state-of-the-art research in learning and instruction, specifically around the topic "Realising Potentials through Education: Shaping the Minds and Brains for the Future".

The conference is preceded by a two-day pre-conference specifically aimed at junior and early career researchers (JURE 2025), on 23 - 24 August 2025.

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Sponsorship Options

At EARLI 2025, we are expecting 2500 academic researchers, policy makers, practitioners and stakeholders for a fruitful and high-quality exchange of ideas, thoughts and insights. This makes our conference an ideal platform for companies and publishers to reach out to this specific target group in academia.

As a sponsor and exhibitor, you will have the chance to:

  • Showcase your publication portfolio or other products
  • Network and discuss with leading educational experts
  • Build partnerships with members of our research community

EARLI 2025 - Sponsorship Brochure

Confirm your sponsorship

Interested in becoming an official EARLI 2025 sponsor?
Fill out the booking form below to confirm your options!

Booking Form

Important Dates

  • Exhibitor and sponsorship packages are released and available for selection.

  • Preliminary deadline to secure your exhibitor or sponsorship options.

  • Signed agreements and payments are due to confirm your sponsorship.

  • Submission of promotional materials (logo, URL, description) for publication on the conference website and app.

  • Exhibitor guidelines on booth setup, shipping and logistics are available.

  • JURE 2025

  • EARLI 2025