SIG 10, 21 & 25 Conference 2024


Walking the Talk: Co-constructing the politics of meaning, diversity and learning

11th - 13th September 2024, Bari

In the current landscape of educational research, there is a growing awareness of and interest in discussing the positionality of all actors involved. Through their actions and words, students, teachers, researchers, tutors, etc., all express values and worldviews, collectively shaping the narratives on education across formal and informal learning contexts. At a broader level, this co-constructive process also involves actors such as policymakers, funding agencies, scientific associations, and EdTech companies. In that sense, the social interactions relevant to educational research are not only processes evolving during learning but also involve discourse and action communicating about learning - verbally and nonverbally, explicitly and implicitly across different places and situations.

Thus, not only do educationally relevant phenomena give rise to a polyphonic co-construction of meaning - such co-construction, in turn, also shapes how we perceive and act and thus transforms these phenomena. Our participation as educational researchers in this co-construction has deep implications for educational theory and practice. In this context, a particularly relevant - perhaps confronting - question for reflection is: who gets to participate in co-constructing the politics of meaning and learning? Who are ‘we’ and who are the ‘others’? For even if we agree on valuing diversity, the meaning of ‘diversity’ itself is not fixed, seeing that various kinds of diversity can be at stake in educational research and practice. Depending on how the meaning of diversity is co-constructed, different actors can be included and excluded as agents (e.g., do we mean only human diversity or also more-than-human diversity?).

At this conference, we take the time and space to engage with research as a reflexive praxis. Notably, we aim to expand our understanding of learning and social interaction, diversity in education, and educational theory to foster dialogue not only on what we do but also on how we do it and what that communicates. Such dialogue entails exploring how both our empirical findings and our ways of doing research shape and are shaped by educational discourse and practice. We invite participants to present theoretical, empirical and practical contributions on topics within the scope of SIGs 10, 21 and 25 and to address the implications of their research for educational practices and/or the worldviews and values shaping their research projects.

All aspects of our work as researchers can be enacted in various ways, which contribute differently to co-constructing the politics of meaning, diversity and learning. This raises a variety of questions, for example:

  • In what way(s) do we conceptualise educational practices and their transformation?
  • In what way(s) do we enter into dialogue and interact with practitioners and educational institutions?
  • In what way(s) do we define units of analysis and handle empirical materials to select relevant objects of investigation?
  • In what way(s) do we interpret the implications of our findings?

These issues are challenging to address all at once in the course of our work as researchers, yet they are always at play. A conscientious and critical approach to research entails reflecting on the theoretical framing and practical implications of our investigations, as well as considering the political processes that contribute to educational research and practice so we might act and respond to them in an informed manner. Doing so together is not only our ethical responsibility as researchers but also empowers us to take our place in the world more consciously.

As a prompt, we have collected a number of questions from among the interests of the three SIGs. These questions are intended to spark ideas and may or may not be directly addressed.

Question collection

  • What theories and aspects of social interaction and diversity are represented in our research (approaches), and what are we overlooking?

  • How can/do our ways of teaching (e.g., students, each other) as educational researchers reflect the insights from our research (empirical and theoretical)?

  • What interactions do we establish with our research participants, practitioners and stakeholders (or vice versa), and what does that say about our own politics of meaning? How can we use this perspective to create spaces of social justice through actions of diversity, inclusion and equity?

  • In a time of ecological crisis, how do relationships with more-than-human actors participate in the politics of meaning and learning, and how do we foreground or background such diversity through the choices we make in our research and its dissemination?

  • What is the role of AI in educational dialogue, especially in view of diversity, equity and inclusion? (How) can AI be made responsible and accountable within democratic practices of education?

  • How do educational interactions respond to a negotiation of individual and collective goals, and how can this be done in a way that acknowledges and addresses issues of differential power within these interactions?



The Department of Education, Psychology, and Communication Sciences at the University of Bari

Address: Piazza Cesare Battisti, 1, 70121 Bari BA



  • December 11th, 2023

  • January 3rd, 2024

  • January 22nd, 2024

  • March 20th, 2024

  • April 20th-30th, 2024

  • May 6th, 2024

  • June 16th, 2024

  • June 30th, 2024

  • August 16th, 2024

  • 11th - 13th September 2024


Being aware that different contents might benefit from different ways of approaching them, the conference offers each contributor the possibility to choose from a range of traditional and interactive session types and invites the participants to tweak and customise the design of each session. Indeed, in the spirit of the conference theme, we encourage all participants to “walk the talk”; that is, we invite contributors to attend not only to the contents of their contributions (the talk) but also to how they will address them (the walk) and to seek alignment of form and content. To give only some examples, a poster on creativity research may use a creative design; a symposium on collaboration might include a collaborative discussion instead of a single discussant; presentations of participatory research projects may involve the voices of research partners and stakeholders (including parents, tutors, etc.), whether in person, online or via video recording; a contribution about AI might involve Siri or Alexa in some ways; a session on outdoor education might be held outdoors. With this, we invite contributors to explore diversity in how we engage with each other’s works and to foster lively academic dialogue and critical reflection, as is the purpose of our gathering.

In the list below, we describe session formats that we have seen working well on previous conferences. However, contributors may tweak and customise the design of each session according to its purposes and content. We welcome innovation and will consider, enquire about, and attempt to enable your ideas to the best of our abilities. To see them realised as well, we must work creatively with the limited resources and facilities at hand. Therefore, we cannot guarantee to meet all needs and kindly ask for your understanding that some plans may need adjusting to become feasible.

For proposals likely to require specific logistical arrangements (for example, in terms of equipment, physical or digital spaces or additional communication with participants), we encourage reaching out to us well ahead of submission so we can identify possibilities and limitations together and work with them. For that purpose, please contact We look forward to your ideas!

Reviewers' criteria

What will reviewers observe in each submission? Check out the criteria.



Symposia provide an opportunity to present research on one topic, often from multiple perspectives, compiling a coherent set of individual contributions (traditionally paper presentations). As part of the innovations in session formats we invite at this conference, a symposium may include oral presentations and other formats, such as multimedia, interactive or otherwise creative contributions that are relevant to the topic and can be carried out within the given time frame.

Symposium sessions are directed by a chair, involving three or four presenters and usually one discussant. The presenters and the discussant must represent at least two different countries. The discussant provides an overview of the papers' potential novel contributions and significance, raises critical questions, and prompts further discussion by pointing to questions or issues emerging from the connections between contributions.

Symposium sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes. Each presenter in the symposium prepares an individual contribution of a maximum of 15 minutes. The discussant has 10 minutes to present. The remaining time (20–35 minutes, depending on the number of contributions) is used for open discussion amongst attendants and presenters, facilitated by a session chair. We encourage the symposium team to raise open questions for the audience. The organisers of symposia must appoint their own session chair to monitor and communicate time during the session.

We recommend that for the individual contributions, each proposal is checked for its quality, relevance and coherence with the topic of the symposium prior to submission.

How to prepare a symposium?


Paper session

Paper sessions involve several individual presentations, followed by a discussion with the audience and other presenters in the session. Single papers focus on theoretical, empirical, or methodological issues or review or reflect on existing research on a particular topic. Empirical papers must present data and preliminary results in order to be accepted.

Single paper sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes and consist of three/four thematically clustered papers. Each presenter is offered 15/20 minutes to present their paper. As part of the innovations in session formats which we invite at this conference, this may take various forms besides an oral presentation, such as multimedia, interactive or otherwise creative contributions that are relevant to the topic and can be carried out within the given time frame. The presentations are followed by a discussion facilitated by a session chair appointed by the organisers.

How to prepare a paper?



Posters offer researchers a chance to present their work in a visual format. In addition to preparing a physical poster, presenters should be prepared to make a brief presentation/pitch of their research (up to 5 min). Poster presenters have an opportunity to discuss their research with the audience and other presenters in the session. A session chair facilitates the discussion.

How to prepare a poster?



Workshops provide an opportunity to familiarise participants with an aspect of or innovation in research or teaching practice, such that questions and discussion are suitably informed by hands-on experience and/or in-depth explanation. For example, a workshop can provide a detailed presentation of a theoretical or methodological approach, which may include active exploration by the participants. This can then reflect and critically scrutinise the potentials and limitations of the approach to address critical issues in research on learning and education. The components of the workshop format can be varied, as suits the content and purpose, but we recommend planning in a generous amount of buffer time to accommodate participants’ ideas, questions, and unforeseen developments (such as technical issues or new insights that deserve pursuing).

How to prepare a workshop?


Roundtable discussions

Roundtable discussions entail an exploratory collective discussion on a specific theoretical or empirical issue, hot topic or controversial claim from multiple perspectives. This session type is ideally suited for inviting representatives of stakeholders, policymakers, associations, research institutes, or companies to allow a diverse collective of viewpoints.

Since this session type may involve delicate topics and can be confrontational, it is recommended to anticipate possible friction and how it may be addressed fruitfully. Note that discussants from different backgrounds may bring their own implicit power dynamics to the table, which may require careful navigation to create an equitable space. We encourage paying particular attention to the start of the session, which should establish a suitable atmosphere that facilitates mutual respect, careful listening and constructive dialogue. A whiteboard or other sketching material can be provided upon request for discussions that are more likely to take the form of brainstorming, networking, or planning collective initiatives.

How to prepare a roundtable discussion?

ICT demonstration

Data sessions

Data sessions provide an opportunity for interactive discussion around empirical data. They consist of a short (max 10 minutes) introduction to the data, followed by analytic work by the participants (e.g. reading transcripts, watching videos, exploring field notes) and discussion. It is recommended that discussions are structured in a way that allows going into sufficient detail and depth, and we encourage creating a space where unexpected insights, contradictory interpretations, critical perspectives, etc., can be shared and engaged with in earnest. A data session might be introduced with a clear goal or with an open-ended purpose, such as inviting new understanding or exploring directions for analysis.

How to prepare a data session?


Research Design Forums

Research design forums are composed of two to three individual contributions that are bundled into a session by the organisers. These sessions offer researchers the opportunity to collectively discuss research ideas, receive feedback on their research plans or proposals, and possibly contribute to establishing or strengthening research collaboration among participants. This format is for those who are, e.g. preparing for doctoral research, preparing a research proposal, seeking partners for international projects, or about to start their data collection.

Presenters should be prepared to convey their research ideas during a presentation of max. 15 minutes. This can take the form of an oral presentation, as well as a demonstration of multimedia material or other formats that best suit the purpose of conveying the core messages within the given time constraints. Innovative formats must be clearly described, and potential associated needs anticipated (e.g. facilities, space, technical preparation) to allow organisers to evaluate and provide feedback on their feasibility.

After each presentation, participants discuss the research idea. A total of 90 minutes is reserved for the discussions of two to three research ideas.

How to prepare a research design forum?


Submission policy & submitting a paper

The submission system is now closed, and all authors have received information on the review results. We ask all presenting authors to follow guidelines on binding registration dates. In case of a change of the presenting authors, please contact the conference team.


Registration will open on May 6th, 2024. To register for the conference, please follow the step-by-step procedure provided here.

Upon submitting the registration form, you will be automatically redirected to the online payment system to complete the payment of the conference fee

If you have any additional questions, please contact the conference team at

Registration fees


Please consult the programme overview. The full programme can be found here.


We are proud to announce three exciting talks. Stay tuned for details!


Where to stay?

To ensure your stay is as comfortable as possible, we have compiled a list of well-known hotels near the conference venue. You can find this list below. Additionally, we highlight the presence of numerous Bed & Breakfasts (B&Bs) in the same area. These establishments provide lodging experiences at different price points, often cheaper than hotels. To explore various options and find a B&B that suits your preferences, please use one of the several online agencies and marketplaces for homestays that are used worldwide.

Hotel Excelsior, Via Giulio Petroni, 15, Bari, 70124

Hotel Boston, Via Piccinni 155, Bari, 70122

Oriente Hotel, Corso Cavour 32, Bari, 70122

Zodiacus Aparthotel, Via Roberto da Bari, 101 – 70122

Hotels Bari Grande Albergo delle Nazioni, Lungomare Nazario Sauro 7, Bari

Hotel Costa, Via Crisanzio 12, Bari

Mercure Villa Romanazzi Carducci, Via Capruzzi 326, Bari

Hotel Adria, Via Zuppetta 10, Bari

ACCOMMODATION OFFER SIG 10-21-25 conference 2024 for B&B and University Boarding School


Maria Beatrice Ligorio (University of Bari, Italy)

Loredana Perla (University of Bari, Italy)

Andrea Bosco (University of Bari, Italy)

SIG 10 - Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction

Jelena Radišić (University of Oslo, Norway)

Mayra Mascareño Lara (University of Groningen, the Netherlands)

Charlotte Báez St.Gallen University of Teacher Education (Switzerland)

SIG 21 - Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings

Sikunder Ali (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)

Andreas Gegenfurtner (University of Augsburg, Germany)

Dimitrios Papadopoulos (Gothenburg University, Sweden)

Özün Keskin (University of Augsburg, Germany)

SIG 25 - Educational Theory

Giuseppe Ritella (University of Helsinki, Finland / University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy)

Larike Bronkhorst (Utrecht University, the Netherlands)

Elisabeth Angerer (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Local Organising Committee

Maria Beatrice Ligorio (University of Bari, Italy)

Loredana Perla (University of Bari, Italy)

Andrea Bosco (University of Bari, Italy)

Pietro Crescenzo (University of Bari, Italy)

Annalisa Ventrella (University of Bari, Italy)

Sara Torre (University of Bari, Italy)

Alessandro Caffò (University of Bari, Italy)

Antonella Lopez (Giustino Fortunato University, Italy)

Giuseppina Spano (University of Bari, Italy)

Luigi Tinella (University of Salerno, Italy)

Annamaria di Grassi (University of Bari, Italy)

Raffaella Forliano (University of Bari, Italy)

Desirè Pomarico (University of Bari, Italy)

Sergio Traficante (University of Bari, Italy)

Anna Cavallaro (University of Bari, Italy)

Luana Bruno (University of Alcalà, Spain)

Jacqueline Ritter (Federal University of Rio, Brazil)

Alex Romàn Garcia (Jaime Ferrán Clua, Madrid, Spain)