JURE 2024


The JURE 2024 conference was be hosted by the University of Sevilla in Spain, from 24 - 28 June 2024.

The 28th JURE Conference invited Junior Researchers from around the world to engage in compelling discussions on educational research. JURE 2024 offered early career researchers a first academic conference experience and the opportunity to meet colleagues from across the globe.


Sevilla is the capital and largest city of the Spanish autonomous community of Andalusia and the province of Seville. Located along the Guadalquivir river, its historic old town contains a UNESCO World Heritage Site comprising three buildings: the Alcázar palace complex, the Cathedral and the General Archive of the Indies.

The University of Sevilla is a reference in the Spanish and European university system. With more than 70,000 students enrolled in the last year, the university ranks as the second largest Spanish university. To accommodate all its students and staff, the University of Sevilla has one of the most modern and accessible campuses, with more than 32 centers and 80,000 m² of sports facilities. The university is also essential to promoting and understanding the culture and heritage of Sevilla, as many of its buildings are a testament of the architectural and historical wealth of the city.

The conference will be hosted at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Sevilla, C. Camilo José Cela, s/n, 41018 Sevilla.


Education and the Need for Dynamic Solutions: Shaping the Future of the Field

In its most basic definition, education shapes human nature for socialisation. Therefore, it's arguably one of the activities that most fosters human development. However, society is currently experiencing rapid and profound changes, presenting education with complex challenges. These include sustainable development, combating climate change, addressing misinformation, the proliferation of polarised opinions and pseudoscience, ensuring healthy and enriching interculturality, and more. These challenges are deeply intertwined with the unstoppable digitalisation, which plays a significant role in educational research and practice. Digitalisation is not only a tool for teaching and learning but also a learning objective in itself.

Consequently, education is a driving force for change, especially in the face of an uncertain future. To meet these demands, educational research is dedicated to finding effective and flexible teaching methods that can adapt to the dynamic solutions required by the field. Our current times also present educational research with an interesting paradox. While new and ever-evolving challenges demand rapid, dynamic solutions, educational practice aims to provide a calm, safe space for students and learners to explore and discover.

It may be bold to claim that this is one of the most crucial periods for educational research and practice, but the JURE 2024 organisers believe that it's time to take action! Therefore, we invite junior researchers to share the insights they've gained through their dedicated work with the JURE community. The quest for dynamic solutions may be challenging, but it is undeniably exciting!


Submissions for JURE 2024 have now closed.

Submission Guidelines

We welcome the following submission types:

Paper 0


Paper sessions consist of three thematically clustered paper presentations, followed by a discussion with the audience. It is important that empirical papers have data and results or they will not be accepted. Theoretical papers, which provide background research, specific evidence, analytical thinking and/or recommendations on specific themes and topics, are also welcome.

Paper sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes. Three presenters are given 20 minutes presentation time followed by 10 minutes for questions.



Interactive poster sessions involve up to six posters. A short presentation of about 3 minutes for each poster is given to an audience gathered as a group. After the authors’ brief presentation, an in-depth discussion between them and the audience follows. The poster sessions offer researchers the chance to present their work in a visual format and offer more opportunities for interaction and discussion.

Poster sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes. Six presenters are each offered a brief presentation slot to introduce the poster (max. 3 minutes), after which there will be time to discuss each poster in greater depth, in smaller groups.

Poster Guidelines



Roundtable sessions involve three thematically clustered presentations and offer opportunities for a more discursive exploration of research issues. This may well involve discussion of work in progress. The presenters elaborate on their emerging data and theory, and invite the participants to contribute to a discussion on potential challenges. Three presenters will explain and discuss their research one after another.

A roundtable session is scheduled for 90 minutes. Each presenter has five minutes to introduce his/her project and raise one or two open questions. Twentyfive minutes are intended for discussion.

Roundtable Guidelines


JURE 2024 - Programme (PDF)

JURE 2024 - Book of Abstracts

JURE 2024 - Schedule

Please note that lunch is served from 12:30 - 13:30. From 13:30 - 14:00 the rooms will be cleaned ahead of the start of the next session.

  • 24-06-2024

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      Opening Ceremony

      at Salón de Actos

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      Coffee Break

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      Session A

      • Session A:1 - Single Paper: Tackling Challenges in Early Childhood Education (Aula 12)

        Chair Idwer I Doosje
        • Preservation of a minority home language: A family language policy perspective in Southwest China (Single Paper)

          Domain Culture, Morality, Religion and Education


          • Sio Fan (Lisa) Lam (Co-Author)
          • Keang Ieng Vong (Presenting Author)
          • Bing Wei (Co-Author)
        • Exploring Nature Worldviews in Environment-themed Children's Books Across Cultures (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 05 - Learning and Development in Early Childhood

          Domain Culture, Morality, Religion and Education


          • Sabiha Üzüm (Presenting Author)
          • Ceren Baser Kanbak (Presenting Author)
        • Overview of violence against children focusing on child disciplinary practices – A global scenario (Single Paper)

          Domain Educational Policy and Systems


          • Shweta Hegde (Presenting Author)
      • Session A:2 - Single Paper: Reading Comprehension (Aula Máster 1)

        Chair Evropi Efthymiadou
        • Learning Context Moderates the Effects of Reading Medium on Comprehension and Metacomprehesion (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 02 - Comprehension of Text and Graphics

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Angelica Ronconi (Presenting Author)
          • Gianmarco Altoè (Co-Author)
          • Lucia Mason (Co-Author)
        • Eye-movement patterns while reading a text with images in hearing and deaf children (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 02 - Comprehension of Text and Graphics

          Domain Learning and Special Education


          • Adrián Solís-Campos (Presenting Author)
          • Nadina Gómez-Merino (Co-Author)
          • Isabel R. Rodríguez-Ortiz (Co-Author)
          • David Saldaña (Co-Author)
        • The Role of Executive Functions in Reading Performance of Deaf and Hearing Young Adults (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 15 - Special Educational Needs

          Domain Learning and Special Education


          • Marta Ortiz Gómez (Presenting Author)
          • David Saldaña (Co-Author)
          • Fiona Kyle (Co-Author)
          • Ian C. Simpson (Co-Author)
          • Isabel R. Rodríguez-Ortiz (Co-Author)
      • Session A:3 - Single Paper: Multicultural Education (Aula Máster 2)

        Chair Lore Bellemans
        • Conceptualizing Education for Sustainable Development in Urban Secondary Schools (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 21 - Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings

          Domain Higher Education


          • saphia zenasni (Presenting Author)
        • Exploring Students’ Perceptions of Engaging in Anonymous Discussions in UK University Classrooms (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Higher Education


          • Peiyu Wang (Presenting Author)
        • Perceptions from Roma students regarding their sense of belonging to their school. (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 21 - Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Norma Salgado Orellana (Presenting Author)
      • Session A:4 - Poster Presentation: Pre-service Teachers' Professional Development (Aula 5)

        Chair Denis Moynihan
        • Why Voluntary Teach? The Motivation of Volunteer Student Teachers to Enter the Teaching Profession (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Yingying HE (Presenting Author)
          • Katriina Maaranen (Co-Author)
          • Kirsi ja Tirri (Co-Author)
        • Difficulties and support during an inquiry practicum: Pre-service teachers and mentors' experiences. (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 20 - Inquiry Learning

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Natalia Contreras (Presenting Author)
          • Eva Liesa (Co-Author)
          • Paula Mayoral Serrat (Co-Author)
          • Montserrat Alguacil (Co-Author)
        • Teachers' new approach to Physical Literacy in Early Childhood Education (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 05 - Learning and Development in Early Childhood

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Vilija Gerasimoviciene (Presenting Author)
        • Early career teachers’ professional agency in the classroom in Finland and China (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Liyuan E (Presenting Author)
        • Does pre-service teachers' gaze in the classroom reflect their attitudes towards gender? (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 17 - Methods in Learning Research

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Sylvia Gabel (Presenting Author)
          • Alijagic Aldin (Co-Author)
          • Özün Keskin (Co-Author)
          • Andreas Gegenfurtner (Co-Author)
        • Gender Inequalities among In-Service and Pre-Service Teachers in STEM (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Özün Keskin (Presenting Author)
      • Session A:5 - Roundtable: Teacher Competencies and Skills (Aula 1)

        Chair Lisa Hirzler
        • Teacher competencies from the perspective of primary school children – a mixed-methods study (Roundtable)

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Lisa Hirzler (Presenting Author)
        • Gender differences in teacher reactions to disruptive student behaviour? A video-based analysis (Roundtable)


          • Sophie Harms (Presenting Author)
      • Session A:6 - Roundtable: Best of JURE - Roundtable (Aula 4)

        Chair Natalia Molina Otero
        • The role of family characteristics in a motivation and achievement intervention study (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion


          • Lisa Benckwitz (Presenting Author)
          • Bastian Carstensen (Co-Author)
        • Transfer from simulation to reality: A novel approach to teach airway management in mountain rescue. (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 14 - Learning and Professional Development

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Helen Jossberger (Co-Author)
          • Hans Gruber (Co-Author)
          • Stefan Hanus (Presenting Author)
        • Scientific accompaniment of school reforms using mixed-methods designs (Roundtable)

          Domain Educational Policy and Systems


          • Marina Grgic (Presenting Author)
      • Session A:7 - Roundtable: Technology-enhanced Learning and Instruction (Aula 11)

        Chair Joy Muth
        • Development of a gamified educational tool to train about climate change (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Sara Torre (Presenting Author)
        • A proposed intervention study to measure the impact of chatbots on student learning (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Rasmus Hansen (Presenting Author)
        • Does What Can Be Seen of the Instructor Matter? Instructor Video Visuals in Multimedia Learning (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Yu-Jr Lan (Presenting Author)
          • Emmanuel Manalo (Co-Author)
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      Workshops I

      • Workshops I:1 - JURE 2024 Workshop: Writing a successful research funding application (Aula 13)

        • Writing a successful research funding application (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • Jo Van Herwegen (Presenting Author)
      • Workshops I:2 - JURE 2024 Workshop: Improving research rigour with Registered Reports (Aula 14)

        • Improving research rigour with Registered Reports (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • Zoltan Dienes (Presenting Author)
      • Workshops I:3 - JURE 2024 Workshop: Mixed-Methods Workshop (Aula Máster 1)

        • Mixed-Methods Workshop (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • Andreas Gegenfurtner (Presenting Author)
      • Workshops I:4 - JURE 2024 Workshop: Scaffolding interculturalism in our schools and classrooms (Aula Máster 2)

        • Scaffolding interculturalism in our schools and classrooms (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • Christina Hajisoteriou (Presenting Author)
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      Coffee Break

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      Session B

      • Session B:1 - Single Paper: Teaching Practices and Support for Self-regulated Learning (Aula 1)

        Chair Venance Timothy
        • Exploring teacher professional vision for student self-regulated learning support in the classroom (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 16 - Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Kateryna Horlenko (Presenting Author)
          • Lina Kaminskienė (Co-Author)
        • Optimizing the teaching process: Homework and self-regulation learning of students (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Tania Vieites (Presenting Author)
          • Rocío González-Suárez (Co-Author)
          • Fátima Díaz Freire (Co-Author)
          • Susana Rodriguez (Co-Author)
        • Re-examining SRL writing: exploring the nexus of motivation, revised SRL strategies and performance (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 12 - Writing

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Xiaoqi Jin (Presenting Author)
          • Jing Wang (Co-Author)
      • Session B:2 - Single Paper: The Impact of Communication Skills on Motivation and Performance (Aula 4)

        Chair Martina Lattanzi
        • Engaging messages, students’ motivation to learn and performance: The role of emotional intensity (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Samuel Falcon (Presenting Author)
          • Jesús Alonso (Co-Author)
          • Jaime Leon (Co-Author)
        • Encouraging target language use and linguistic risk-taking during short-term-residence-abroad. (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 28 - Play, Learning and Development

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Sebastian Windisch (Presenting Author)
        • The Role and Types of Communication in PhD-Students-Supervisor Interactions: A Systematic Review (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Danila Pavliuk (Presenting Author)
      • Session B:3 - Single Paper: Teachers' Wellbeing (Aula 14)

        Chair Özün Keskin
        • Emotions experienced by lateral entry teachers and their influence on their intention to quit (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Natalia Molina Otero (Presenting Author)
          • Silja Rohr Mentele (Co-Author)
          • Sarah Forster-Heinzer (Co-Author)
          • Doreen Flick-Holtsch (Co-Author)
        • A methodology to understand the dynamic of teacher’s well-being with digital technologies (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Cécile Vassaux (Presenting Author)
          • Gaëlle Molinari (Co-Author)
          • Joris Felder (Co-Author)
        • Fostering self-regulation and motivational beliefs in student teachers during long-term internships (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Hanna-Sophie Homann (Presenting Author)
      • Session B:4 - Single Paper: Classroom Interventions and Assessment (Aula Máster 1)

        Chair Farhad Razeghpour
        • Formative assessment for enhancing students' text comprehension abilities: an experiment in Italy (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 01 - Assessment and Evaluation

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Elisa Guasconi (Presenting Author)
        • Exploring Students’ Receptivity to Feedback: A Latent Profile Analysis (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 01 - Assessment and Evaluation

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Luca Bahr (Presenting Author)
          • Lars Höft (Co-Author)
          • Jennifer Meyer (Co-Author)
          • Thorben Jansen (Co-Author)
        • Empowering academic possible selves: An in class-intervention for vocational high school students (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Evropi Efthymiadou (Presenting Author)
          • Eleftheria Gonida (Co-Author)
      • Session B:5 - Single Paper: Motivation and Self-regulated Learning (Aula Máster 2)

        Chair Ana Lucia Urrea Echeverria
        • Autonomy-supportive teaching, non-academic ICTs, and student motivation in English-language learning (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Joy Muth (Presenting Author)
          • Marko Lüftenegger (Co-Author)
        • Empowering The Underdogs: A Meta-Analysis of Feedback Effects on Self-Assessment Accuracy (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 01 - Assessment and Evaluation

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Lucas Liebenow (Presenting Author)
          • Fabian Schmidt (Co-Author)
          • Jennifer Meyer (Co-Author)
          • Johanna Fleckenstein (Co-Author)
        • Promoting study motivation and time management: A digital prevention program for STEM-students (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Higher Education


          • Lena Sofie Kegel (Presenting Author)
          • Anne Scheunemann (Presenting Author)
          • Sophie von der Mülbe (Co-Author)
          • Jens Fleischer (Co-Author)
          • Markus Dresel (Co-Author)
          • Stefan Fries (Co-Author)
          • Detlev Leutner (Co-Author)
          • Joachim Wirth (Co-Author)
          • Carola Grunschel (Co-Author)
      • Session B:6 - Poster Presentation: Diversity and Equity in Schools (Aula 11)

        Chair Niina Putkonen
        • Socially Sensitive Topics in the Classroom: What Value Narratives are Teachers Subject to? (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 13 - Moral and Democratic Education

          Domain Culture, Morality, Religion and Education


          • Marius Bytautas (Presenting Author)
          • Sigitas Daukilas (Co-Author)
        • Investigating interaction patterns in secondary education classes with recent migrant students (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 10 - Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Shauny Seynhaeve (Presenting Author)
        • Exploring secondary school teachers' attitudes and practices: A survey on diversity and equity (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 21 - Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Katrien Hermans (Presenting Author)
          • Elke Emmers (Co-Author)
          • Patrizia Zanoni (Co-Author)
          • Katrien Struyven (Co-Author)
        • Exploring the use of cultural diversity in challenge-based learning contexts (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 21 - Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings

          Domain Higher Education


          • Cassandra Tho (Presenting Author)
          • Yvette Baggen (Co-Author)
          • Judith Gulikers (Co-Author)
          • Perry den Brok (Co-Author)
        • Fostering academic language in the multilingual classroom through extensive listening (Poster Presentation)

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Isabel Zins (Presenting Author)
        • The reality of educating preschool children from disadvantaged backgrounds (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 10 - Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Sonata Lazauninkiene (Presenting Author)
      • Session B:7 - Roundtable: Studies in Higher Education (Aula 5)

        Chair Lisa Hirzler
        • Shaping the future? Career perspectives in the humanities (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 24 - Researcher Education and Careers

          Domain Higher Education


          • Kirstine Terese Stoksted (Presenting Author)
        • Unraveling the Roots of Belonging and Authenticity: A Qualitative Study of Students’ Perspectives (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Higher Education


          • Anne-Roos Verbree (Presenting Author)
          • Leoniek Wijngaards-de Meij (Co-Author)
          • Gönül Dilaver (Co-Author)
          • Marieke van der Schaaf (Co-Author)
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      Social Event: Boat Tour

      Pre-registration is required

  • 25-06-2024

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      Keynote I

      • Keynote I:1 - JURE 2024 Keynote: Reading on screens: insights from the lab, the schools and beyond (Salón de Actos)

        Chair Pablo Delgado
        • Reading on screens: insights from the lab, the schools and beyond (JURE 2024 Keynote)


          • Ladislao Salmerón (Presenting Author)
    • -

      Coffee Break

    • -

      Session C

      • Session C:1 - Single Paper: Challenges and Innovations in Instructional Design (Aula 4)

        Chair Federica Picasso
        • Challenges and needs of corporate technical education and training – a case study (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 06 - Instructional Design

          Domain Lifelong Learning


          • Lisa Marie Wintersberg (Presenting Author)
          • Daniel Pittich (Co-Author)
        • Design Thinking in the Compulsory School’s Handicraft Education (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 06 - Instructional Design

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Sanna Merikanto-Tolonen (Presenting Author)
          • Jari Laru (Co-Author)
          • Megumi Iwata (Co-Author)
          • Kati Mäkitalo (Co-Author)
        • Pension as a learning object: Design, testing and evaluation of a game-based learning environment (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 06 - Instructional Design

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Merve Suna (Presenting Author)
          • Ronja Baginski (Co-Author)
          • Carmela Aprea (Co-Author)
      • Session C:2 - Single Paper: Technology-enhanced Learning (Aula 12)

        Chair Hülya Aldemir
        • Examining the Digital Competence, and Intentions, of Pre-service Teachers to use Digital Technology (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Denis Moynihan (Presenting Author)
        • Retrospective Note Prompts Support Learning From Video Tutorials (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Simon A. Schriek (Presenting Author)
          • Kirsten Berthold (Co-Author)
          • Markus H. Hefter (Co-Author)
        • Instructor (para-)social presence in digital learning environment: Why? When? How often? (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 06 - Instructional Design

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Juliette Desiron (Co-Author)
          • Sascha Schneider (Co-Author)
          • Diana Pak (Presenting Author)
        • Teachers’ Perspectives of Parent-school Communication Using Technology: A Systematic Review (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Suzanne May Shwen Lee (Presenting Author)
          • Lin Gao (Co-Author)
          • Cheng Yong Tan (Co-Author)
          • Ariel Qi An (Co-Author)
      • Session C:3 - Single Paper: Cultural Diversity and Citizenship Education (Aula 13)

        Chair Marius Bytautas
        • Islamic religious education as a weave with the past, the present and the future (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 19 - Religions and Worldviews in Education

          Domain Culture, Morality, Religion and Education


          • Niina Putkonen (Presenting Author)
        • The multi-narrative history class: students’ orientation in time and their diverse social identities (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 19 - Religions and Worldviews in Education

          Domain Culture, Morality, Religion and Education


          • G.M. van Gaans (Presenting Author)
        • Teachers views on pedagogical challenges during post-war return in Mosul (Single Paper)

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Ricarda Derler (Presenting Author)
          • Heike Wendt (Co-Author)
          • Lubab Zeyad Mahmood (Co-Author)
      • Session C:4 - Single Paper: Bystander Dynamics and Social Learning Theory (Aula 14)

        Chair Meeli Rannastu-Avalos
        • Cyberhate’s Bystanders: Examining the Influence of Social Learning Theory on Their Responses (Single Paper)


          • Olga Jiménez-Díaz (Co-Author)
          • Esperanza Espino (Presenting Author)
          • Joaquín A. Mora-Merchán (Co-Author)
          • Rosario Del Rey (Co-Author)
        • Exploring Adolescent Bystander Profiles in Non-Consensual Sexting through Social Learning Theory (Single Paper)


          • Daniela Villa Henao (Co-Author)
          • Mónica Ojeda (Presenting Author)
          • Joaquín A. Mora-Merchán (Co-Author)
          • Rosario Del Rey (Co-Author)
        • Factors influencing cyberbullying bystanders' responses: A Test of Bandura’s Social Learning Theory (Single Paper)


          • Ana Alcántara (Presenting Author)
          • Rosario Del Rey (Co-Author)
          • José A. Casas-Bolaños (Co-Author)
          • Joaquín A. Mora-Merchán (Co-Author)
      • Session C:5 - Poster Presentation: Enhancing Learning through Innovative Strategies (Aula 5)

        Chair Dimitrios Moustakas
        • Improving secondary science assessment with a diagnostic toolkit (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 01 - Assessment and Evaluation

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Florian Stern (Presenting Author)
          • Andreas Müller (Co-Author)
          • Sebastien Roch (Co-Author)
        • Who benefits the most? The interaction of interleaved practice and prior knowledge. (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 06 - Instructional Design

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Maria Danzglock (Presenting Author)
          • Martin Hänze (Co-Author)
          • Roland Berger (Co-Author)
        • Exploring Social Dimensions of a Personalized Learning Environment (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 10 - Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Jose Maria Carazo Abolafia (Presenting Author)
          • Priya Sharma (Co-Author)
          • Angel Sobrino (Co-Author)
        • Challenge-based Learning for Social Entrepreneurship Education in Vocational Schools (Poster Presentation)

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Selina Michel (Presenting Author)
          • Manuel Förster (Co-Author)
        • Exploring the Impact of Professional Learning Networks: A Systematic Literature Review (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 18 - Educational Effectiveness and Improvement

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Ariadne Warmoes (Presenting Author)
          • Iris Decabooter (Co-Author)
          • Katrien Struyven (Co-Author)
          • Els Consuegra (Co-Author)
        • Pre-service teachers’ futures consciousness (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Iina Hyyppä (Presenting Author)
          • Antti Laherto (Co-Author)
          • Ilona Södervik (Co-Author)
          • Heidi Krzywacki (Co-Author)
        • Collaborative Action Research for Critical-Thinking-Infused English Class in Japanese High Schools (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Yukari Abe (Presenting Author)
          • Emmanuel Manalo (Co-Author)
      • Session C:6 - Poster Presentation: Motivation, Emotion and Affect (Aula 11)

        Chair Ceren Baser Kanbak
        • A conceptual re-work of early career academic experiences of teaching and work through Perezhivanie. (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 25 - Educational Theory

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Felipe Sanchez (Presenting Author)
        • A methodological discussion of Joint Poetic Transcription for researching learning experiences. (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 17 - Methods in Learning Research

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Felipe Sanchez (Presenting Author)
        • Overclaiming one’s own teaching practice – Development of a new measure (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Roman Zviagintsev (Presenting Author)
        • The Psychometric Evidence of the Revised Version of the Adapted Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Ijtihadi Kamilia Amalina (Presenting Author)
        • Competition as a Design Feature of an Immersive Virtual Reality Learning Environment (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Claudia Schrader (Co-Author)
          • Charlotte Diekmann (Presenting Author)
        • To Choose or not to Choose: On the Impact of a Choice Option for Feedback in Digital Assessment (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 01 - Assessment and Evaluation

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Livia Kuklick (Presenting Author)
    • -


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      Workshops II

      • Workshops II:1 - JURE 2024 Workshop: From frequentist to Bayesian statistics (Aula 13)

        • From frequentist to Bayesian statistics (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • Manuel Perea (Presenting Author)
      • Workshops II:2 - JURE 2024 Workshop: Science communication and early career researchers (Aula 14)

        • Science communication and early career researchers (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • Michael S. C. Thomas (Presenting Author)
      • Workshops II:3 - JURE 2024 Workshop: Publishing in scholarly journals (Aula Máster 1)

        • Publishing in scholarly journals (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • Hans Gruber (Presenting Author)
          • Ann Corney (Presenting Author)
      • Workshops II:4 - JURE 2024 Workshop: Reviewing science: why, how, and writing it up (Aula Máster 2)

        • Reviewing science: why, how, and writing it up (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • Helge I. Strømsø (Presenting Author)
    • -

      Coffee Break

    • -

      Session D

      • Session D:1 - Single Paper: Online Learning Strategies (Aula 1)

        Chair Sophie Harms
        • Effects of practice testing and feedback on learners’ performance in a Massive Open Online Course (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 01 - Assessment and Evaluation

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Mi Jin Park (Presenting Author)
          • Maria Janelli (Co-Author)
          • Anastasiya A. Lipnevich (Co-Author)
          • Terrence Calistro (Co-Author)
          • Felix J. Eßer (Co-Author)
        • Deciphering Digital Dynamics: Cluster Analysis of Engagement Patterns in an Influencer Community (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 10 - Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Stephanie Bowles (Presenting Author)
        • Investigating the Influence of Training Difficulty on the Learning Outcomes of Medical Students (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 27 - Online Measures of Learning Processes

          Domain Cognitive Science


          • Erva Nihan Kandemir (Presenting Author)
          • Jill-Jênn Vie (Co-Author)
          • Adam Sanchez-Ayte (Co-Author)
          • Olivier Palombi (Co-Author)
          • Franck Ramus (Co-Author)
      • Session D:2 - Single Paper: Large-scale Assessments and the Economics of Education (Aula 5)

        Chair Melina Agha
        • A comprehensive bibliographical overview of PISA gender gap research (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 01 - Assessment and Evaluation

          Domain Educational Policy and Systems


          • Jonas Stampka (Presenting Author)
          • Nina Jude (Co-Author)
          • David Kaplan (Co-Author)
        • Distinguishing Economic and Political Literacy and their Self-Efficacy: An External Validation Study (Single Paper)

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Nina Welsandt (Presenting Author)
        • Digital Competence and Beyond: Exploring Student Success Patterns in PISA 2018 and 2022 (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 01 - Assessment and Evaluation

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Maren Müller (Presenting Author)
          • Doris Lewalter (Co-Author)
          • Jennifer Diedrich (Co-Author)
      • Session D:3 - Single Paper: Best of JURE - Paper (Aula 12)

        Chair Sabiha Üzüm
        • Reading as a Leisure Activity and tool for Well-Being (Views from Deaf and Hearing Students) (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 15 - Special Educational Needs

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Zhuzhuna Gviniashvili (Presenting Author)
        • Gender differences (or similarities?) in Math achievement, metacognition, motivation & emotions (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Dimitrios Moustakas (Presenting Author)
          • Eleftheria Gonida (Co-Author)
        • Unravelling the Role of Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Skills on High School Students' Engagement (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Gerardo Pellegrino (Presenting Author)
          • Tommaso Feraco (Co-Author)
          • Chiara Meneghetti (Co-Author)
          • Barbara Carretti (Co-Author)
      • Session D:4 - Single Paper: Social and Emotional Development in Primary Education (Aula 14)

        Chair Maria Anastasou
        • Boosting primary school classroom climate: the role of social-emotional skills and peer relatedness (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 10 - Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Benedetta Zagni (Presenting Author)
          • Sara Scrimin (Co-Author)
          • Mark Van Ryzin (Co-Author)
          • Dario Ianes (Co-Author)
        • Linking school climate and students’ social and emotional skills: A secondary analysis of OECD data (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 10 - Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Catarina Castro (Presenting Author)
          • Maria Clara Barata (Co-Author)
          • Joana Dias Alexandre (Co-Author)
        • Parental involvement and students’ cognitive and behavioral engagement (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Tania Vieites (Presenting Author)
          • Sara Fernández Devesa (Co-Author)
          • Maria Cabana Bedoya (Co-Author)
          • Susana Rodriguez (Co-Author)
      • Session D:5 - Single Paper: Learning and Development in Early Childhood (Aula Máster 2)

        Chair Theresa Bauer
        • Bilingual Preschoolers' Executive Function, and its Relation to Self-regulated Learning. (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 05 - Learning and Development in Early Childhood

          Domain Cognitive Science


          • Aleksandra Szczesny (Presenting Author)
        • The impact of spatial skills on engineering in primary school children (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 05 - Learning and Development in Early Childhood

          Domain Cognitive Science


          • Jonas Schäfer (Presenting Author)
          • Timo Reuter (Co-Author)
          • Julia Karbach (Co-Author)
          • Miriam Leuchter (Co-Author)
        • (Re-)migration and international orientation as a resource for the participation of ECE in Kosovo (Single Paper)

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Heike Wendt (Co-Author)
          • Saranda Shabanhaxhaj (Presenting Author)
      • Session D:6 - Poster Presentation: Motivation and Self-regulation in Students and Teachers (Aula 4)

        Chair Ariadne Warmoes
        • STEM Motivation at the End of the 8th Grade: A Latent Profile Analysis Approach (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Seppe Hermans (Presenting Author)
          • Loan De Backer (Co-Author)
          • Peter Van Petegem (Co-Author)
        • Students’ Misconceptions of SRL and Their Lack of Knowledge Hinder Their Use of SRL Strategies (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 16 - Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

          Domain Higher Education


          • Antonia Fischer (Presenting Author)
          • Charlotte Dignath (Co-Author)
        • Using retrieval practice during SRL: The effect of the SRL growth mindset intervention and feedback (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 16 - Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

          Domain Higher Education


          • Martine Baars (Co-Author)
          • Kate Xu (Co-Author)
          • Julian Roelle (Co-Author)
          • Roman Abel (Co-Author)
          • Fred Paas (Co-Author)
          • Jingshu Xiao (Presenting Author)
        • The role of teachers’ agency in the relation between their motivation and school context perception (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Carolina Petronilho (Presenting Author)
          • Sofia Freire (Co-Author)
        • Revealing social dynamics in a dyadic collaborative discussion to promote teacher resilience (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 14 - Learning and Professional Development

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Alba Vallés (Presenting Author)
          • Marc Clarà (Co-Author)
        • Does theoretical knowledge and cueing foster teacher noticing of disruptions and self-efficacy? (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Isabel Althen (Presenting Author)
          • Jessica Fischer (Co-Author)
          • Martin Merkt (Co-Author)
        • The influence of parametrised tasks on learners’ judgements of learning (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 16 - Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning


          • Theresa Walesch (Presenting Author)
          • Anja Prinz-Weiß (Co-Author)
          • Carolin Baumann (Co-Author)
          • Samuel Merk (Co-Author)
      • Session D:7 - Poster Presentation: Innovative Approaches in Early and Primary Education (Aula 11)

        Chair Paula Barea-Arroyo
        • (In)Visible: 5-6-year-old children's exploration of human body in integral educational context (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 05 - Learning and Development in Early Childhood


          • Monika Kelpsiene (Presenting Author)
        • Before or after. On the emergence of social, cognitive and language features associated with CLIL (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 05 - Learning and Development in Early Childhood

          Domain Cognitive Science


          • Niels Planckaert (Presenting Author)
        • A comparison of general self-efficacy and specific self-efficacy among Flemish primary principals (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 14 - Learning and Professional Development


          • Lore Bellemans (Presenting Author)
          • Geert Devos (Co-Author)
    • -

      Social Event: Visit Fine Arts Museum

      18:30 - Group 1 19:00 - Group 2 Pre-registration is required.

  • 26-06-2024

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      Keynote II

      • Keynote II:1 - JURE 2024 Keynote: Learning from multiple information sources: Challenges and potential advantages (Salón de Actos)

        Chair Madalin Deliu
        • Learning from multiple information sources: Challenges and potential advantages (JURE 2024 Keynote)


          • Helge I. Strømsø (Presenting Author)
    • -

      Coffee Break

    • -

      Session E

      • Session E:1 - Single Paper: Inclusivity in Higher Education (Aula 1)

        Chair Zhuzhuna Gviniashvili
        • Implemented UD strategies and their effectiveness today: What works in higher education? (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Higher Education


          • Liesbet Saenen (Presenting Author)
          • Katrien Hermans (Co-Author)
          • Katrien Struyven (Co-Author)
          • Elke Emmers (Co-Author)
        • Students’ Sense of Belonging and Authenticity in Dutch Higher Education (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Higher Education


          • Anne-Roos Verbree (Presenting Author)
          • Marieke van der Schaaf (Co-Author)
          • Leoniek Wijngaards-de Meij (Co-Author)
          • Gönül Dilaver (Co-Author)
        • Doing the heavy lifting: The experiences of working-class professional service staff (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Educational Policy and Systems


          • Jess Pilgrim (Presenting Author)
      • Session E:2 - Single Paper: Teacher Challenges and Support (Aula 4)

        Chair Moonika Teppo
        • Practising Strengths, Weaknesses, or Both: Where Should Education Head? (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Boseok Kim (Presenting Author)
        • Challenges of Teachers in Vocational Schools: Effects on Well-Being, Job Satisfaction and Burnout (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Nina Marlene Sarochan (Presenting Author)
          • Max S. Lohner (Co-Author)
          • Carmela Aprea (Co-Author)
        • Absent students’ teacher social support profiles (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 10 - Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Suvi Kanerva (Presenting Author)
          • Risto Hotulainen (Co-Author)
          • Sanna Oinas (Co-Author)
      • Session E:3 - Single Paper: Teaching Approaches in Science and STEM (Aula Máster 1)

        Chair Miriam Rivero-Contreras
        • Can Students Apply Scientific Method in Science Projects: Document Analysis and Interviews Insights (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Venance Timothy (Presenting Author)
        • Teacher Professional Development in STEAM Education: design principles, research trends and topics (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 14 - Learning and Professional Development

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Juliana Abra Olivato (Presenting Author)
          • José Castro Silva (Co-Author)
        • CANCELLED: Boosting Children’s STEM Learning and Preschool Teacher Competencies (...) (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 05 - Learning and Development in Early Childhood

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Anke Maria Weber (Co-Author)
          • Miriam Leuchter (Co-Author)
          • Lukas Schmitt (Presenting Author)
      • Session E:4 - Single Paper: Immersive Technologies and AI (Aula Máster 2)

        Chair Peiyu Wang
        • Digital Escape Games and Memory: Exploring their Impact on Theta Oscillations in the Hippocampus. (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Cognitive Science


          • Thomas Frøsig (Presenting Author)
        • Enhancing Primary Education: The Impact of Virtual Reality on Learning about the Water Cycle (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Josua Dubach (Presenting Author)
          • Sebastian Tempelmann (Co-Author)
          • Corinna Martarelli (Co-Author)
          • Trix Cacchione (Co-Author)
        • Exploring Hong Kong first-year University students’ use of GenAI tools (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Jin Huang (Presenting Author)
      • Session E:5 - Poster Presentation: Learning Strategies and Teacher Support in Primary Education (Aula 5)

        Chair Stefan Hanus
        • Parenthood in crisis - parents' perception of their role at school during the Corona pandemic (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 10 - Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction

          Domain Culture, Morality, Religion and Education


          • Alicia Göthe (Presenting Author)
        • What do primary school students do, say and think in the process of understanding a text? (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 16 - Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Valentina Ronqui (Presenting Author)
          • Daniel Trías (Co-Author)
          • Juan Antonio Huertas (Co-Author)
        • The effect of visual reasoning on arithmetic word problem solving (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 06 - Instructional Design

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Ana-Maria Purcar (Presenting Author)
          • Mușata-Dacia Bocoș (Co-Author)
          • Alexanda-Lucia Pop (Co-Author)
        • An integrated digital-paper intervention to enhance math skills through Executive Functions. (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Costanza Ruffini (Co-Author)
          • Camilla Chini (Co-Author)
          • Giulia Lombardi (Co-Author)
          • Silvia Della Rocca (Presenting Author)
          • Annarita Monaco (Co-Author)
          • Sara Campana (Co-Author)
          • Chiara Pecini (Co-Author)
        • Development of self-regulated learning in the transitional period from primary to secondary school (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 16 - Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Jovita Matulaitienė (Presenting Author)
          • Lina Kaminskienė (Co-Author)
          • Erno Lehtinen (Co-Author)
        • Student support in primary school – New insights on student-teacher-interaction (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 10 - Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Lukas Nebel (Presenting Author)
      • Session E:6 - Poster Presentation: Best of JURE - Poster (Aula 11)

        Chair Alba Vallés
        • Teacher for life? Quantitative research into the retention of first and second career teachers (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 18 - Educational Effectiveness and Improvement

          Domain Educational Policy and Systems


          • Mike Smet (Co-Author)
          • Jacob Van Belle (Presenting Author)
        • Conditions of competent bilingualism of primary school children in Germany (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 21 - Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Lisa Tinkl (Presenting Author)
          • Aileen Edele (Co-Author)
          • Birgit Heppt (Co-Author)
        • AI-prompted peer feedback: Can an AI feedback coach enhance peer feedback quality? (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Rasmus Hansen (Presenting Author)
          • Christopher Neil Prilop (Co-Author)
          • Tobias Alsted Nielsen (Co-Author)
      • Session E:7 - Roundtable: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Interaction (Aula 14)

        Chair Liyuan E
        • Developing a category system to identify adaptive teaching in elementary mathematics classrooms (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 10 - Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Anne-Kathrin Buttchereyt (Presenting Author)
        • Promoting self-regulated learning through peer observation and feedback in secondary school students (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 16 - Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Anabela Caetano Santos (Presenting Author)
          • Ana Mouraz (Co-Author)
          • Ana Cristina Torres (Co-Author)
          • Helena Silva (Co-Author)
          • Artur Oliveira (Co-Author)
          • Andréa Silva (Co-Author)
        • Exploring Self-Efficacy: Qualitative Insights on Feedback and Attributions. (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 01 - Assessment and Evaluation

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Charlotte Van Tricht (Presenting Author)
          • David Gijbels (Co-Author)
          • Vincent Donche (Co-Author)
    • -


      12:30 - 13:30: Lunch with Professors

    • -

      Workshops III

      • Workshops III:1 - JURE 2024 Workshop: Utilizing Artificial Intelligence for the Synthesis of Educational Videos: A Workshop (Aula 13)

        • Utilizing Artificial Intelligence for the Synthesis of Educational Videos: A Workshop (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • Kevin Ackermans (Presenting Author)
      • Workshops III:2 - JURE 2024 Workshop: Effective Meeting Skills (Aula 14)

        • Effective Meeting Skills (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • María García Serrano (Presenting Author)
          • Javier Rosales (Presenting Author)
          • Madalin Deliu (Presenting Author)
      • Workshops III:3 - JURE 2024 Workshop: Confirmatory Factor Analysis: Applications in Educational Research (Aula Máster 1)

        • Confirmatory Factor Analysis: Applications in Educational Research (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • Ioulia Televantou (Presenting Author)
      • Workshops III:4 - JURE 2024 Workshop: Practical and Policy Implications of Research (Aula Máster 2)

        • Practical and Policy Implications of Research (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • Michael S. C. Thomas (Presenting Author)
          • Jo Van Herwegen (Presenting Author)
    • -

      Coffee Break

    • -

      Session F

      • Session F:1 - Single Paper: Student Wellbeing and Dropout Intentions (Aula 12)

        Chair Yukari Abe
        • Intra-individual reciprocal relations between facets of study satisfaction and dropout intentions (Single Paper)

          Domain Higher Education


          • Anne Scheunemann (Presenting Author)
          • Theresa Wenker (Co-Author)
          • Lisa Bäulke (Co-Author)
          • Daniel Oliver Thies (Co-Author)
          • Markus Dresel (Co-Author)
          • Stefan Fries (Co-Author)
          • Detlev Leutner (Co-Author)
          • Joachim Wirth (Co-Author)
          • Carola Grunschel (Co-Author)
        • Effects of a Positive Psychology Intervention on Student Well-being. A Person-centered Approach (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Jakob Schnell (Presenting Author)
          • Katja Saxer (Co-Author)
          • Julia Mori (Co-Author)
          • Tina Hascher (Co-Author)
        • Positivity’s Power? Results of a student well-being intervention in secondary school in Switzerland. (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Katja Saxer (Presenting Author)
          • Jakob Schnell (Co-Author)
          • Julia Mori (Co-Author)
          • Tina Hascher (Co-Author)
        • Profiles and predictors of achievement, study satisfaction, and dropout intention within students (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Higher Education


          • Lena Sofie Kegel (Presenting Author)
          • Carola Grunschel (Co-Author)
      • Session F:2 - Single Paper: Competencies in Higher Education (Aula 13)

        Chair Anne-Roos Verbree
        • Lifelong Learning Competencies for Engineering Students (Single Paper)

          Domain Lifelong Learning


          • Shan Tuyaerts (Presenting Author)
          • Tinne De Laet (Co-Author)
          • Lynn Van den Broeck (Co-Author)
          • Greet Langie (Co-Author)
        • The effectiveness of a teamwork reflection intervention on teamwork quality and competence in MSTs (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education


          • Roosmarijn van Woerden (Presenting Author)
          • Merel van Goch (Co-Author)
          • Iris van der Tuin (Co-Author)
          • Sandra Schruijer (Co-Author)
        • Towards university teaching innovation: Digital Scholarship and assessment and feedback practices. (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Higher Education


          • Federica Picasso (Presenting Author)
      • Session F:3 - Single Paper: Mathematics and Numeracy (Aula 14)

        Chair Valentina Ronqui
        • Association between children’s gendered activities, family organization and sex differences in maths (Single Paper)

          Domain Cognitive Science


          • Lilas Gurgand (Presenting Author)
          • Alexandre Renac (Co-Author)
          • Hugo Peyre (Co-Author)
          • Franck Ramus (Co-Author)
        • Math Gender Gaps: What about future teachers’ knowledge, confidence, anxiety and self-concept? (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Macarena Angulo (Co-Author)
          • David Maximiliano Gomez Rojas (Co-Author)
          • Ana María Espinoza Catalán (Presenting Author)
        • Solving realistic word problems in a meaningful way: The role of problem-embedding and prompts (Single Paper)


          • Andrea Wisenöcker (Presenting Author)
          • Cornelia S. Große (Co-Author)
      • Session F:4 - Single Paper: Mathematics and Numeracy in Secondary Education (Aula Máster 2)

        Chair Vanessa Fernández-Torres

        Please note that the paper entitled "Unraveling the Interplay of Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge in Fractions among Middle Schoolers" will not be presented at the conference, due to the inability of the presenter to travel to Sevilla. You can view their presentation on demand in the conference app.

        • Unraveling the Interplay of Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge in Fractions among Middle Schoolers (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 18 - Educational Effectiveness and Improvement

          Domain Developmental Aspects of Instruction


          • Fırat Arda (Co-Author)
          • Bengi Birgili-Karabulut (Presenting Author)
          • İpek Saralar-Aras (Co-Author)
        • Mathematical proficiency and the advantage of organizing verbal information on a Working Memory Line (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 22 - Neuroscience and Education

          Domain Cognitive Science


          • Julie Vonck (Presenting Author)
          • Jolien Moorkens (Co-Author)
          • Wim Fias (Co-Author)
          • Jean-Philippe van Dijck (Co-Author)
        • Structural Equation Modelling: Associating Cognitive Factors to Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 16 - Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

          Domain Cognitive Science


          • Ijtihadi Kamilia Amalina (Presenting Author)
          • Tibor Vidákovich (Co-Author)
      • Session F:5 - Poster Presentation: Technology-enhanced Learning and Instruction (Aula 5)

        Chair HIJJATUL Qamariah
        • Socio-cognitive and emotional-motivationl factors in studying with digital materials (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Maria Beatrice Ligorio (Co-Author)
          • Annalisa Ventrella (Presenting Author)
        • Exploring Technology Integration in Upper Secondary School: A Latent Profile Analysis (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Chiara Antonietti (Presenting Author)
          • Tessa Consoli (Co-Author)
          • Maria-Luisa Schmitz (Co-Author)
          • Alberto A.P. Cattaneo (Co-Author)
          • Philipp Gonon (Co-Author)
          • Dominik Petko (Co-Author)
        • The role of technology in fostering self-regulated learning: A systematic literature review (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Higher Education


          • Anikó Bátori (Presenting Author)
          • Simon Beausaert (Co-Author)
          • Bas Giesbers (Co-Author)
          • Alexandra Mihai (Co-Author)
        • Enhancing learning environments with digital tools to promote self-regulated learning (Poster Presentation)

          Domain Higher Education


          • Barbara Hrabetz (Presenting Author)
        • Fostering Online Interaction (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Theo van den Bogaart (Co-Author)
          • Nanda van der Stap (Presenting Author)
        • Empowering Vocational Students: A Research-Based Framework for Computational Thinking Integration (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Seppe Hermans (Presenting Author)
          • Tom Neutens (Co-Author)
          • Francis wyffels (Co-Author)
          • Peter Van Petegem (Co-Author)
      • Session F:6 - Poster Presentation: Exploring Literacy and Language Acquisition (Aula 11)

        Chair Shweta Hegde
        • Migration Background and Emergent Literacy Skills as Predictors of Reading and Spelling in Grade 2 (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 05 - Learning and Development in Early Childhood

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • María Valcárcel Jiménez (Presenting Author)
          • Melike Yumus (Co-Author)
          • Tina Schiele (Co-Author)
          • Anna Mues (Co-Author)
          • Frank Niklas (Co-Author)
        • Lexical competence influence on Reading and Spelling: Effects of enhancement on First-Grade children (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 18 - Educational Effectiveness and Improvement

          Domain Learning and Special Education


          • Alice Mercugliano (Presenting Author)
          • Lucia Bigozzi (Co-Author)
          • Oriana Incognito (Co-Author)
        • Oral Language and Writing in Early Childhood and Primary Education: Empirical Studies Review (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 12 - Writing

          Domain Developmental Aspects of Instruction


          • Rubén Díaz-Tejedor (Presenting Author)
          • Olga Arias-Gundín (Co-Author)
        • Comparative analysis of instruction in transcription and planning, based in ICTs (Poster Presentation)


          • María del Carmen Álvarez Moreno (Presenting Author)
          • Raquel Fidalgo (Co-Author)
          • Mark Torrance (Co-Author)
        • Critical literacy during the first year of primary school (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Desirée Fristedt (Presenting Author)
        • Students’ Performance Goals as Predictors of Achievement in Language: A cusp Catastrophe model (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Higher Education


          • Georgia Stavropoulou (Presenting Author)
          • Dimitrios Stamovlasis (Co-Author)
      • Session F:7 - Poster Presentation: Understanding and Supporting Learners with Special Educational Needs (Aula 4)

        Chair Ana-Maria Purcar
        • All eyes on me! Stories comprehension and audiovisual integration in population with ASD (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 15 - Special Educational Needs

          Domain Learning and Special Education


          • Nadina Gómez-Merino (Presenting Author)
          • Inmaculada Fajardo (Co-Author)
          • Alejandro Téllez (Co-Author)
          • Marta Lizarán-Villalba (Co-Author)
          • Ana García-Blanco (Co-Author)
        • Learning and Generalisation of Pictograms in Minimally Verbal Autism: A Study with Eye Movements (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 02 - Comprehension of Text and Graphics


          • Gema Erena-Guardia (Presenting Author)
          • David Saldaña (Co-Author)
        • Reading Comprehension and Executive Function in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Disorders (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 15 - Special Educational Needs

          Domain Cognitive Science


          • Paula Barea-Arroyo (Presenting Author)
          • Pablo Delgado (Co-Author)
          • Gema Erena-Guardia (Co-Author)
          • Vanessa Fernández-Torres (Co-Author)
          • Joaquín Ibañez-Alfonso (Co-Author)
          • Francisco Javier Moreno-Perez (Co-Author)
          • Martina Micai (Co-Author)
          • Juan José Navarro-Hidalgo (Co-Author)
          • Miriam Rivero-Contreras (Co-Author)
          • Adrián Solís-Campos (Co-Author)
        • Teaching Novel Vocabulary with Enriched Multimedia to Young Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Persons (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Special Education


          • Hülya Aldemir (Presenting Author)
          • David Saldaña (Co-Author)
          • Isabel R. Rodríguez-Ortiz (Co-Author)
        • Interventions for Adults with Low Literacy Skills – Results from a Systematic Literature Review (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 15 - Special Educational Needs

          Domain Lifelong Learning


          • Moritz Butscheidt (Presenting Author)
        • The consideration of adaptive behavior in the assessment for special educational needs in Germany (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 15 - Special Educational Needs

          Domain Educational Policy and Systems


          • Melina Agha (Presenting Author)
          • Steffen Siegemund-Johannsen (Co-Author)
        • G.I.F.T.E.D.: Games and Inclusion For Teacher Education (Poster Presentation)

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Maria Margarida Frade dos Santos (Presenting Author)
          • Anabela Caetano Santos (Co-Author)
          • Roberta Renati (Co-Author)
          • Celeste Simões (Co-Author)
          • Paula Lebre (Co-Author)
    • -

      Social Event: Visit Rectorate Building

      19:00 - Group 1 20:00 - Group 2 Pre-registration is required.

  • 27-06-2024

    • -


    • -

      SIG Invited Symposia

      • SIG Invited Symposia:1 - JURE 2024 SIG Invited Symposium: The Interplay of Peer Relationships and Student Motivation (Aula 1)

        Chair Elisabeth Höhne
        • The Essential Role of Peer Relationships in Students’ Motivation During Adolescence (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Fabian Schimmelpfennig (Presenting Author)
          • Diana Raufelder (Co-Author)
        • Peer Relationships and Students’ Achievement Goals - How are They Interconnected? (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Alla Hemi (Presenting Author)
          • Nir Madjar (Co-Author)
          • Yisrael Rich (Co-Author)
          • Martin Daumiller (Co-Author)
        • Academic Help-Seeking as Mediator Between Student Motivation and Dropout Intentions (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Elisabeth Höhne (Presenting Author)
          • Lysann Zander (Co-Author)
        • Associations of In-person and Online Social Achievement Goals Profiles and Psychological Illbeing (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Boreum Kim (Presenting Author)
          • Sungok Serena Shim (Co-Author)
      • SIG Invited Symposia:2 - JURE 2024 SIG Invited Symposium: Civic and Citizenship Education for Developing Civic Competences among Youth: Theory and Practice (Aula 5)

        Chair Emilie Vandevelde
        • Does political value (in)congruence in class facilitate open classroom climate? (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 13 - Moral and Democratic Education


          • Venla Hannuksela (Presenting Author)
          • Josefina Sipinen (Co-Author)
          • Miikka Korventausta (Co-Author)
        • The Conceptualization of Rational Political Trust among Flemish Young and Late Adolescents (Single Paper)


          • Linde Stals (Presenting Author)
          • Maria Magdalena Isac (Co-Author)
          • Ellen Claes (Co-Author)
        • Political self-efficacy development through political socialization (Single Paper)


          • Venla Hannuksela (Presenting Author)
        • The Development of Pre-Service Teachers’ Civic Education Cognition During Teacher Training (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 13 - Moral and Democratic Education


          • Emilie Vandevelde (Presenting Author)
      • SIG Invited Symposia:3 - JURE 2024 SIG Invited Symposium: Eye Tracking in Educational Research: How can we understand the underlying cognitive processes? (Aula 11)

        Chair Kateryna Horlenko
        • Eye-Tracking Study on Signal Accessibility & Prior Knowledge Effects in Learning from Animation (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 17 - Methods in Learning Research


          • KILLYAM FORGE (Presenting Author)
          • Julie Lemarié (Co-Author)
          • Pierre-Vincent Paubel (Co-Author)
          • Jean-Michel Boucheix (Co-Author)
        • Professional Vision in Belgian Teacher Trainers & Pre-Service Teachers (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 17 - Methods in Learning Research


          • Valérie DUVIVIER (Presenting Author)
          • Antoine Derobertmasure (Co-Author)
          • Marc Demeuse (Co-Author)
        • Teachers’ professional vision investigated through mobile eye tracking, CRR and survey data (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 17 - Methods in Learning Research


          • Maikki Pouta (Presenting Author)
          • Erno Lehtinen (Co-Author)
          • Tuire Palonen (Co-Author)
        • Pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards heterogeneity: Connections with their gaze behavior (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 17 - Methods in Learning Research


          • Sylvia Gabel (Presenting Author)
          • Alijagic Aldin (Presenting Author)
          • Özün Keskin (Co-Author)
          • Andreas Gegenfurtner (Co-Author)
      • SIG Invited Symposia:4 - JURE 2024 SIG Invited Symposium: Creating space for worldview dialogue in religious and worldview education (Aula 12)

        Chair Niina Putkonen
        • Interreligious Cooperation in Austrian School Context. A dynamic network of interwoven perspectives (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 19 - Religions and Worldviews in Education

          Domain Culture, Morality, Religion and Education


          • Petra Juen (Presenting Author)
        • Depiction of Judaism and Islam in religious school textbooks and the perception of young people (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 19 - Religions and Worldviews in Education

          Domain Culture, Morality, Religion and Education


          • Julia Hofmann (Presenting Author)
        • Worldview dialogue within “own religion”. Perspectives on dialogue in Islamic religious education (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 19 - Religions and Worldviews in Education

          Domain Culture, Morality, Religion and Education


          • Niina Putkonen (Presenting Author)
      • SIG Invited Symposia:5 - JURE 2024 SIG Invited Symposium: Challenges in Doing Research with Young Children (Aula 13)

        Chair Valentina Pagani
        • The reliability of parents' statements on their child’s well-being using the example of AID:A (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 05 - Learning and Development in Early Childhood


          • Inga Simm (Presenting Author)
          • Anja Linberg (Co-Author)
          • Thorsten Naab (Co-Author)
          • Susanne Kuger (Co-Author)
        • Language education in Society 5.0 (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 05 - Learning and Development in Early Childhood


          • MACHIKO KOBORI (Presenting Author)
          • Junko Matsuzaki Carreira (Co-Author)
          • Shigyo Tomoko (Co-Author)
          • Wan-lih Chang (Co-Author)
          • Lung-Hsun Hsu (Co-Author)
          • Hui-Yu Huang (Co-Author)
          • Ping-Ju Liu (Co-Author)
        • Data quality in a quantitative survey with 4-7-year-old children: German Good Child Care Act (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 05 - Learning and Development in Early Childhood


          • Inga Simm (Presenting Author)
          • Magdalena Molina Ramirez (Co-Author)
          • Susanne Kuger (Co-Author)
        • The ISOTIS study on ECEC children's perspectives regarding inclusion (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 05 - Learning and Development in Early Childhood


          • Valentina Pagani (Presenting Author)
      • SIG Invited Symposia:6 - JURE 2024 SIG Invited Symposium: Navigating Uncertainty? - Implementing Instructional Principles in Ill-Structured Domains (Aula 14)

        Chair Jasmin Lilian Bauersfeld
        • Fostering preschoolers’ competence to solve ill-structured problems through assessment for learning (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 06 - Instructional Design

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Joris Van Elsen (Presenting Author)
          • Joke Torbeyns (Co-Author)
          • Sven De Maeyer (Co-Author)
        • Effects of Problem-Solving Prior to Instruction on Professional Vision of Collaborative Learning (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 06 - Instructional Design

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Özün Keskin (Presenting Author)
          • Christina Wekerle (Co-Author)
          • Lara Tar (Co-Author)
          • Ingo Kollar (Co-Author)
        • How to Sequence Concepts and Video-Based Analysis to Develop Future Teachers’ Professional Vision? (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 06 - Instructional Design

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Jasmin Lilian Bauersfeld (Presenting Author)
          • Patricia Calies (Co-Author)
          • Heike Hahn (Co-Author)
          • Bernadette Gold (Co-Author)
        • Persuasive Refutation Texts as Instructional Principle – Fostering Conceptual and Attitudinal Change (Single Paper)

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Isabell Tucholka (Presenting Author)
          • Madeleine Müller (Presenting Author)
    • -

      Coffee Break

    • -

      Session G

      • Session G:1 - Single Paper: Pre-service Teacher Education (Aula 1)

        Chair Anni silvola
        • Two Learning paradigms with online videos: Impact on preservice preschool teachers’ self-efficacy (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Rongrong XU (Presenting Author)
          • Alfredo BAUTISTA (Co-Author)
          • Weipeng YANG (Co-Author)
        • Teacher Educators’ Mentoring Expertise in Supervising Teaching Practicum (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Xuewei Wang (Presenting Author)
          • Jukka Husu (Co-Author)
          • Auli Toom (Co-Author)
          • Mikko Tiilikainen (Co-Author)
        • Fostering Resilience: Intervention with Learning Platform for Preservice Teachers (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion


          • Isabelle Krummenacher (Presenting Author)
          • Julia Mori (Co-Author)
          • Tina Hascher (Co-Author)
          • Irene Guidon (Co-Author)
      • Session G:2 - Single Paper: Pre-service Teachers' Attitudes and Beliefs (Aula 4)

        Chair Yingying HE
        • Enhancing Pre-Service Teachers’ Growth Mindset is Beneficial for Their Low-Achieving Students, too (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Katharina Asbury (Presenting Author)
          • Bastian Carstensen (Co-Author)
        • A contact intervention in university teacher training: Impacts on beliefs and inclusive instruction? (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 15 - Special Educational Needs

          Domain Learning and Special Education


          • Friederike Zimmermann (Co-Author)
          • Sonja Krämer (Co-Author)
          • Mia Hoffmann (Presenting Author)
        • Do Student Teachers Experience Self-Worth Threats in Computational Thinking? (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Higher Education


          • Vroni Barkela (Presenting Author)
          • Areum Han (Co-Author)
          • Anke Maria Weber (Co-Author)
      • Session G:3 - Single Paper: Inclusive Education (Aula 5)

        Chair Sebastian Windisch
        • Understanding the Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder as a Learner in the Inclusive Classroom (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 15 - Special Educational Needs

          Domain Learning and Special Education


          • Julija Grigenaite (Presenting Author)
          • Stefanija Ališauskienė (Co-Author)
        • Implicit Motives in Informal STEM Education: Shaping Equitable Learning Spaces (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 21 - Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Jasmin Colakoglu (Presenting Author)
          • Anneke Steegh (Co-Author)
          • Ilka Parchmann (Co-Author)
        • “Only Amharic or leave quick!": Language education policy in the Western Tigray region of Ethiopia (Single Paper)

          Domain Educational Policy and Systems


          • Merih Welay (Presenting Author)
          • Berhane Gerencheal (Co-Author)
      • Session G:4 - Single Paper: Self-efficacy and Motivation in Mathematics (Aula 11)

        Chair Roosmarijn van Woerden
        • Promoting Students' Self-Efficacy through Different Digital Feedback Strategies in Mathematics (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Farhad Razeghpour (Presenting Author)
        • The role of mathematical beliefs, utility value, self-efficacy in mathematics engagement (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 16 - Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Csaba Csíkos (Co-Author)
          • Achmad Hidayatullah (Presenting Author)
        • A critical ingredient of mathematics learning – Why does motivation matter from early grades? (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Maarja Sõrmus (Presenting Author)
          • Jelena Radisic (Co-Author)
          • Äli Leijen (Co-Author)
          • Krista Uibu (Co-Author)
      • Session G:5 - Single Paper: Educational Technologies for Teaching (Aula 13)

        Chair Mariam Aljabaly
        • Role of Teacher Ownership in Technology Integration in K-12 Education System. (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Bikash Chetry (Presenting Author)
        • Tinkering as a Complement to Design in the Context of Technology Integration into Teaching (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Pirjo Mõttus (Presenting Author)
          • emanuele bardone (Co-Author)
          • Maka Eradze (Co-Author)
        • Robot-Assisted Intervention for Word Learning in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Special Education


          • Ana Lucia Urrea Echeverria (Presenting Author)
          • Isabel R. Rodríguez-Ortiz (Co-Author)
          • David Saldaña (Co-Author)
      • Session G:6 - Single Paper: Addressing Emotional Challenges, Anxiety and Stress (Aula 14)

        Chair Shauny Seynhaeve
        • Diverse Performance: Test Anxiety, Results and Perceived Difficulty (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Kristóf Lakatos (Presenting Author)
        • Online Implementation Make a Difference in the Effects of a Mental Health Curriculum at Schools? (Single Paper)


          • Maria Margarida Frade dos Santos (Presenting Author)
          • Celeste Simões (Co-Author)
          • Anabela Caetano Santos (Co-Author)
          • Paula Lebre (Co-Author)
          • Ilaria Grazzani (Co-Author)
        • Students’ patterns of math anxiety, enjoyment, boredom and performance (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Alina Pavlova (Presenting Author)
          • Johan Korhonen (Co-Author)
          • Hanna Jarvenoja (Co-Author)
          • Riikka Mononen (Co-Author)
      • Session G:7 - Single Paper: Motivation and Metacognition (Aula Máster 1)

        Chair Felipe Sanchez
        • Growth Mindset about Learning, and Ninth-Grade Students’ Academic Performance (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Jenni Laurell (Presenting Author)
          • Kirsi ja Tirri (Co-Author)
          • Kai Hakkarainen (Co-Author)
        • Testing the Effectiveness of an Individualized Assignment of Motivational Interventions (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Liene Brandhuber (Presenting Author)
          • Lisa Bäulke (Co-Author)
          • Daniel Wieczorek (Co-Author)
          • Thorben Jansen (Co-Author)
          • Benjamin Nagengast (Co-Author)
          • Cora Parrisius (Co-Author)
        • A conceptual analysis of goal setting and goal orientation: systematic literature review (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 16 - Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

          Domain Higher Education


          • Kõue Heintalu (Presenting Author)
          • Katrin Saks (Co-Author)
    • -


      13:00 - 13:45 - SIG Exhibition

    • -

      Workshops IV

      • Workshops IV:1 - JURE 2024 Workshop: Combating Social Injustice with Psychological Interventions (Aula 13)

        • Combating Social Injustice with Psychological Interventions (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • Paul O'Keefe (Presenting Author)
      • Workshops IV:2 - JURE 2024 Workshop: The ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Education (Aula 14)

        • The ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Education (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • Káska Porayska-Pomsta (Presenting Author)
      • Workshops IV:3 - JURE 2024 Workshop: Structural Equation Modelling: Applications in Educational Research (Aula Máster 1)

        • Structural Equation Modelling: Applications in Educational Research (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • Ioulia Televantou (Presenting Author)
      • Workshops IV:4 - JURE 2024 Workshop: Using International Large Scale Assessment Data for Research (Aula Máster 2)

        • Using International Large Scale Assessment Data for Research (JURE 2024 Workshop)


          • Johannes Naumann (Presenting Author)
    • -

      Coffee Break

    • -

      Session H

      • Session H:1 - Single Paper: Transitions to the Workplace and Professional Growth (Aula 1)

        Chair Suzanne May Shwen Lee
        • PhDs building careers beyond academia in Finland: the role of work-environment fit in career changes (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 24 - Researcher Education and Careers

          Domain Higher Education


          • Laura Sundström (Presenting Author)
          • Lotta Tikkanen (Co-Author)
          • Kirsi Pyhältö (Co-Author)
          • Henrika Anttila (Co-Author)
        • Commitment issues? Former novice teachers as emerging adults exploring the job market (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Teresa Vicianová (Presenting Author)
        • Understanding the labour market: insights from first- and continuing-generation graduates (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Higher Education


          • Ayla De Schepper (Presenting Author)
          • Eva Kyndt (Co-Author)
          • Noel Clycq (Co-Author)
        • Researchers' Metamorphic Journey: the Role of Scientific Creativity in Professional Identity Growth (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Higher Education


          • Marius Daugela (Presenting Author)
      • Session H:2 - Single Paper: Motivation and Engagement (Aula 12)

        Chair Marina Grgic
        • A short review on the relationship between motivation and engagement in language learning (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • May Aung (Presenting Author)
        • Social and emotional competencies and student engagement in youth: A systematic review (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Anabela Caetano Santos (Presenting Author)
          • Celeste Simões (Co-Author)
          • Maria Margarida Frade dos Santos (Co-Author)
          • Márcia Melo (Co-Author)
          • Iara Freitas (Co-Author)
          • Patrícia Arriaga (Co-Author)
        • Validating Quantitative Engagement Metrics in Speech-to-Text Data on Team Interaction (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 10 - Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • David Otten (Presenting Author)
          • Pantelis Papadopoulos (Co-Author)
          • Maryam Amir Heari (Co-Author)
          • Rike Bron (Co-Author)
          • Maaike Endedijk (Co-Author)
      • Session H:3 - Single Paper: Teacher Education and Professional Development (Aula 14)

        Chair Tania Vieites
        • Interplay of team teaching practices and perceptions on student teachers' professional identity (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Wouter Schelfhout (Co-Author)
          • Mathea Simons (Co-Author)
          • Ellen Vandervieren (Co-Author)
          • Jose Rivera Espejo (Co-Author)
          • Loan De Backer (Presenting Author)
        • Examining Finnish Teachers' Professional Agency in the Professional Community in Curriculum Reform (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Educational Policy and Systems


          • Martti Laivuori (Presenting Author)
          • Auli Toom (Co-Author)
          • Lotta Tikkanen (Co-Author)
          • Kirsi Pyhältö (Co-Author)
        • A Professional Development Program for Enhancing Teaching in Self-Regulated Learning. (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Valentina Ronqui (Presenting Author)
          • Daniel Trías (Co-Author)
          • Juan Antonio Huertas (Co-Author)
      • Session H:4 - Single Paper: In-service Teaching Approaches (Aula Máster 1)

        Chair Georgios Mitsostergios
        • Nurturing the maker mindset within small teams of students in formal education (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Mariam Aljabaly (Presenting Author)
          • Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen (Co-Author)
          • Tiina Korhonen (Co-Author)
          • Kaiju Kangas (Co-Author)
        • Challenges teachers face when introducing the learning-centred Altered Flipped Classroom Pedagogy (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Lizélle Pretorius (Presenting Author)
        • The student-teacher relationship: effects of different teachers over time and academic self-concept (Single Paper)

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Mirna Sumatic (Presenting Author)
      • Session H:5 - Poster Presentation: Pedagogical Innovations in Higher Education (Aula 5)

        Chair Jenni Laurell
        • Underlying pedagogical principles for generic skill development: A systematic literature review (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Higher Education


          • Ainsley Loudoun (Presenting Author)
          • Laurie Delnoij (Co-Author)
          • Inken Gast (Co-Author)
          • Nicole Kornet (Co-Author)
          • Sjoerd Claessens (Co-Author)
          • Simon Beausaert (Co-Author)
        • Students' learning gains from participating in challenge-based learning (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Higher Education


          • Cassandra Tho (Presenting Author)
          • Yvette Baggen (Co-Author)
          • Despoina Georgiou (Co-Author)
          • Heleen Pennings (Co-Author)
          • Antoine van den Beemt (Co-Author)
        • Tracing the Evolution of Widening Participation Discourses: Insights from the Access Corpus (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Higher Education


          • Benjamin Hart (Presenting Author)
        • Impact of Student Diversity on Learning Behavior and Learning Success in a Flipped Classroom (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 04 - Higher Education

          Domain Higher Education


          • Theresa Bauer (Presenting Author)
          • Manuel Förster (Co-Author)
      • Session H:6 - Poster Presentation: Learning and Instruction with Artificial Intelligence (Aula 11)

        Chair Anne-Kathrin Buttchereyt
        • Generative AI in L1 Education: Unveiling Language Teachers' Perspectives (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Emmy Stevens (Presenting Author)
          • Siebe Bluijs (Co-Author)
          • Jimmy van Rijt (Co-Author)
          • Sander Bax (Co-Author)
        • Inquiry-based learning with GenAI: self-efficacy, motivation, and creativity in secondary students. (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Daire Maria Ni Uanachain (Presenting Author)
          • Amelia King (Co-Author)
        • Quality instead of quantity? Consideration of objectivity when evaluating open tasks using ChatGPT (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 01 - Assessment and Evaluation

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Lisa Matuschek (Presenting Author)
          • Susanne Weber (Co-Author)
        • Diving into Theory: Fragmentary Thinking as Foundation for Philosophy of Education and AI-Research (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 25 - Educational Theory

          Domain Higher Education


          • Alice Watanabe (Presenting Author)
        • Exploring potentials and challenges of integrating AI in education: A literature review (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Oldřiška Buchanan (Presenting Author)
      • Session H:7 - Roundtable: Learning and Professional Development (Aula 4)

        Chair Gema Erena-Guardia
        • Job shadowing program as an effective measure for knowledge acquisition and transfer? (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 14 - Learning and Professional Development


          • Ascha Ahmed (Presenting Author)
          • Viola Deutscher (Co-Author)
        • Unraveling Teacher Leadership: The impact of social networks on teacher leadership readiness (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 14 - Learning and Professional Development

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Emma Van Malderen (Presenting Author)
          • Vicky Willegems (Co-Author)
          • Jetske Strijbos (Co-Author)
        • Let’s talk about educational science with pre-service teachers for general and special education (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 14 - Learning and Professional Development

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Madeleine Müller (Presenting Author)
    • -

      Social Event: Conference Dinner

      at NH Collection Hotel Sevilla Pre-registration is required.

  • 28-06-2024

    • -


    • -

      Keynote III

      • Keynote III:1 - JURE 2024 Keynote: What does AI in Education research tell us about the role of AI in supporting human learning? (Salón de Actos)

        Chair Tryfonas Papadamou
        • What does AI in Education research tell us about the role of AI in supporting human learning? (JURE 2024 Keynote)


          • Káska Porayska-Pomsta (Presenting Author)
    • -

      Coffee Break

    • -

      Session I

      • Session I:1 - Single Paper: Comprehension of Text and Graphics (Aula 1)

        Chair Jakob Schnell
        • Cognitive accessibility and Childhood: Needs Assessment through Focus Groups (Single Paper)

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Miriam Rivero-Contreras (Presenting Author)
          • Gema Erena-Guardia (Co-Author)
          • David Saldaña (Co-Author)
        • How successful are learners in entering data into stochastic diagrams? (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 02 - Comprehension of Text and Graphics


          • Michael Rößner (Presenting Author)
          • Karin Binder (Co-Author)
        • Operationalization and Effectiveness of Reading Strategies in Digital Reading – A meta-analysis (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 02 - Comprehension of Text and Graphics

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Georgios Mitsostergios (Presenting Author)
          • Lisa Ziernwald (Co-Author)
          • Doris Holzberger (Co-Author)
          • Carolin Hahnel (Co-Author)
          • Frank Reinhold (Co-Author)
      • Session I:2 - Single Paper: Cultural Diversity and Inclusion in Schools (Aula 11)

        Chair Cassandra Tho
        • Contributions to the Adaptation of The Ethnic Identity Scale in the Portuguese Context (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 21 - Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings


          • Mafalda Campos (Presenting Author)
          • Francisco Peixoto (Co-Author)
        • Diversity in international Large Scale Assessment– How does discourse on diversity change over time? (Single Paper)

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Fatmana Selcik (Presenting Author)
          • Nina Jude (Co-Author)
        • Antecedents and consequences of perceived discrimination: The moderating role of social inclusion (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 21 - Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings

          Domain Culture, Morality, Religion and Education


          • Sira Neuhaus (Presenting Author)
          • Alyssa Laureen Grecu (Co-Author)
          • Sittipan Yotyodying (Co-Author)
          • Nele McElvany (Co-Author)
      • Session I:3 - Single Paper: Doctoral and Researcher Education (Aula 13)

        Please note that this session will not take place at the conference, as the presenter is unable to travel to Sevilla. Both presentations will be available for on-demand viewing in the conference app.

        • The relationship between L1 and L2 writing proficiency among international doctoral students (Single Paper)

          Domain Higher Education


          • Wai Mar Phyo (Presenting Author)
        • Academic Language Socialization Experiences of International Doctoral Students (Single Paper)

          Domain Higher Education


          • Wai Mar Phyo (Presenting Author)
      • Session I:4 - Single Paper: The Impact of Digital Tools on Teaching and Learning (Aula 14)

        Chair Xiaoqi Jin
        • Digital Tools for Promoting Teaching Competencies – Evaluation through Longitudinal Analyses (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Katharina Frank (Presenting Author)
          • Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia (Co-Author)
          • Jasmin Reichert-Schlax (Co-Author)
        • A Systematic Review on Digital Technologies Applied in Intergenerational Learning (Single Paper)


          • Lingran Xu (Presenting Author)
          • Suzanne May Shwen Lee (Presenting Author)
          • Yan Bo Hou (Co-Author)
          • Hidan Kim (Co-Author)
          • Xiaoxuan Fang (Co-Author)
          • Samuel Kai Wah Chu (Co-Author)
      • Session I:5 - Single Paper: Self-regulated Learning Strategies (Aula Máster 1)

        Chair Jasmin Lilian Bauersfeld
        • Students’ perceived source of effort: Bridging effort source belief and effort attribution (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 16 - Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

          Domain Cognitive Science


          • Demi Hao (Presenting Author)
          • Lars-Erik Malmberg (Co-Author)
          • Gabriel Stylianides (Co-Author)
        • Exploring Usage of Learning Techniques and Strategies Among University Students in Slovakia (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 16 - Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Peter Seban (Presenting Author)
          • Kamila Urban (Co-Author)
          • Radovan Šikl (Co-Author)
        • The influence of enjoyment on self-regulated learning from texts (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 16 - Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning


          • Anja Prinz-Weiß (Co-Author)
          • Celina Safferthal (Presenting Author)
      • Session I:6 - Single Paper: In-service Teachers' Professional Development (Aula Máster 2)

        Chair Sylvia Gabel
        • How English as a foreign Language (EFL) instructors improve their Professionalism (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 14 - Learning and Professional Development

          Domain Higher Education


          • HIJJATUL Qamariah (Presenting Author)
          • Mária Hercz (Co-Author)
        • Mapping job demands-resources and personal demands-resources of beginning primary school teachers. (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Fenny van Daalen-Visscher (Presenting Author)
          • Hanke Korpershoek (Co-Author)
          • Matthijs Warrens (Co-Author)
          • Thibault Coppe (Co-Author)
        • Multiliteracies in Practice: Unveiling Multimodal Projects in English Teacher Professional Education (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Salim Nabhan (Presenting Author)
          • Anita Habók (Co-Author)
      • Session I:7 - Poster Presentation: Wellbeing in Schools (Aula 4)

        Chair Adrián Solís-Campos

        Please note that the poster by Abdullah Alhowail, entitled "Trajectories of Non-intellective Factors, Learning Outcomes, and Wellbeing in Secondary Schools" will not be presented at the conference. The presentation can be viewed in the conference app.

        • Validation of the health-promoting lifestyle instrument among Mongolian students: a pilot study (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 01 - Assessment and Evaluation

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Erdenezul Uitumen (Presenting Author)
          • Klára Tarkó (Co-Author)
        • Gender and age differences in adolescents’ well-being at school: A multi-dimensional approach. (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Martina Lattanzi (Presenting Author)
          • Gian Marco Marzocchi (Co-Author)
          • Anna Ogliari (Co-Author)
          • Valentina Tobia (Co-Author)
        • Implicit and explicit attitudes of student teachers towards homosexual pupils (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 21 - Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Alijagic Aldin (Presenting Author)
          • Gegenfurtner Andreas (Co-Author)
        • Surprise, curiosity and confusion: Epistemic emotions during high confidence errors (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Cognitive Science


          • Katerina Nerantzaki (Presenting Author)
          • Panayiota Metallidou (Co-Author)
          • Paraskevi Stergiadou (Co-Author)
        • Trajectories of Non-intellective Factors, Learning Outcomes, and Wellbeing in Secondary Schools (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 08 - Motivation and Emotion

          Domain Motivational, Social and Affective Processes


          • Abdullah Alhowail (Presenting Author)
        • Situational perception and aggression in a group of youth with special educational needs (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 15 - Special Educational Needs

          Domain Learning and Special Education


          • Karol Konaszewski (Presenting Author)
    • -


      12:30 - 13:30: Lunch with Professors

    • -

      Session J

      • Session J:1 - Single Paper: Attitudes and Beliefs in Teaching and Learning (Aula 1)

        Chair Teresa Vicianová
        • Jazz’n School. Exploring a Teaching and Learning Posture through Practices, Policies, and Cultures (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 06 - Instructional Design

          Domain Educational Policy and Systems


          • Sofia Boz (Presenting Author)
        • Reducing Stereotypes Toward the Gifted: Investigating the Robustness of Refutation Texts (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Vanessa Clauss (Presenting Author)
          • Steffani Sass (Co-Author)
          • Friederike Zimmermann (Co-Author)
        • EFL Teachers’ Pedagogical Beliefs, PCK, and Material Use: Instrument Adaptations and Validations (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 14 - Learning and Professional Development

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Nurul Fitriyah Almunawaroh (Presenting Author)
          • János Steklács (Co-Author)
      • Session J:2 - Single Paper: Collaborative Learning in Higher Education (Aula 14)

        Chair Shan Tuyaerts
        • Antecedents of innovative teamwork behaviour: A systematic literature review (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 18 - Educational Effectiveness and Improvement

          Domain Educational Policy and Systems


          • Idwer I Doosje (Presenting Author)
          • Simon Beausaert (Co-Author)
          • Kirstin van Lommel (Co-Author)
          • mieke koeslag-kreunen (Co-Author)
        • Engagement in Challenge-based Learning for Interdisciplinary Project Management Efficacy Beliefs (Single Paper)

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Selina Michel (Presenting Author)
          • Manuel Förster (Co-Author)
      • Session J:3 - Single Paper: Teaching and Instructional Strategies (Aula Máster 2)

        Chair Lena Sofie Kegel
        • 50 Years of Literature Teaching in a Democratic Portugal: Teachers' Life Histories (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Andressa Godoy (Presenting Author)
          • Amélia Lopes (Co-Author)
        • Using Gamification Elements as a tool for species protection awareness (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Ann-Katrin Krebs (Presenting Author)
        • Higher secondary school teachers’ experience with uncertainty: a case study (Single Paper)


          • Aet Raudsep (Presenting Author)
          • Emanuele Bardone (Co-Author)
        • Professional competence components for beginning teachers' and quality of instruction and well-being (Single Paper)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Hannah Kirschning (Presenting Author)
          • Andrea Bernholt (Co-Author)
          • Friederike Zimmermann (Co-Author)
      • Session J:4 - Poster Presentation: Digital Literacy and Reading (Aula 4)

        Chair Anabela Caetano Santos
        • A pilot study on the use of pictures to facilitate reading comprehension in children. (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 02 - Comprehension of Text and Graphics

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Vanessa Fernández-Torres (Presenting Author)
          • Antonio José Hermoso Moral (Co-Author)
          • David Saldaña (Co-Author)
          • Isabel R. Rodríguez-Ortiz (Co-Author)
        • Planned Study: Eye movement & Alpha changes after a digital reading intervention (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 02 - Comprehension of Text and Graphics

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Mario Romero Palau (Presenting Author)
          • Clara Soberats (Co-Author)
          • Ladislao Salmerón (Co-Author)
        • When and how? Evaluating a web-based program to improve digital reading competence in adolescents (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 02 - Comprehension of Text and Graphics

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Laura Gil Pelluch (Co-Author)
          • Lidia Altamura García (Presenting Author)
          • Amelia Mañá (Co-Author)
          • Mario Romero Palau (Co-Author)
          • Marian Serrano-Mendizábal (Co-Author)
          • Cristina Vargas (Co-Author)
          • Ladislao Salmerón (Co-Author)
        • The relationships between sourcing skills components and intertextual integration in adolescents (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 02 - Comprehension of Text and Graphics

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Anna Paola Fallaci (Presenting Author)
          • Oriana Incognito (Co-Author)
          • Christian Tarchi (Co-Author)
        • Reveal the dynamics of metacognitive monitoring in reading comprehension (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 02 - Comprehension of Text and Graphics

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Eleonora Pizzigallo (Presenting Author)
          • Alessandra Zagato (Co-Author)
          • Gerardo Pellegrino (Co-Author)
          • Chiara Mirandola (Co-Author)
          • Agnese Capodieci (Co-Author)
          • Barbara Carretti (Co-Author)
        • The effects of generalisations on oral and written text comprehension (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 02 - Comprehension of Text and Graphics


          • Birgit Vogt (Presenting Author)
      • Session J:5 - Poster Presentation: Immersive Technologies and Video-based Learning (Aula 5)

        Chair Anni silvola

        This session will be chaired by Madalin Deliu, replacing Anni Silvola. Please note that the poster entitled "From teacher-centered to student-owned: A comparative case study on transforming classroom discourse" will not be presented at the conference, due to unavailability of the presenter.

        • Enhancing student collaboration in technology-enhanced science inquiry (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Meeli Rannastu-Avalos (Presenting Author)
          • Leo Aleksander Siiman (Co-Author)
          • Mario Mäeots (Co-Author)
        • Social Capital Development, Utilization, and Its Darkside in Deep Mediatization Context (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Shu CHENG (Presenting Author)
        • Immersive Evolution: Navigating Design Appropriation in VR for Workplace Learning (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 07 - Technology-Enhanced Learning And Instruction

          Domain Learning and Instructional Technology


          • Stephanie Bowles (Presenting Author)
        • Isolated or Integrated? – Instructional Approaches to Foster Professional Vision of Teaching Quality (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 06 - Instructional Design

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Jasmin Lilian Bauersfeld (Presenting Author)
          • Patricia Calies (Co-Author)
          • Heike Hahn (Co-Author)
          • Bernadette Gold (Co-Author)
        • How Emotions and Observed Teaching Quality Influence Student Teachers’ Analysis of Classroom Videos (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Isabell Tucholka (Presenting Author)
          • Bernadette Gold (Co-Author)
        • CANCELLED: From teacher-centered to student-owned (...) (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 26 - Argumentation, Dialogue and Reasoning

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Yvonne Dammert (Presenting Author)
      • Session J:6 - Poster Presentation: Teaching Strategies and Instructional Design in Mathematics (Aula 11)

        Chair Antonia Fischer
        • Playing with half a toy? Effects of emphasizing mathematical operations when solving word problems (Poster Presentation)


          • Andrea Wisenöcker (Co-Author)
          • Cornelia S. Große (Co-Author)
          • Marcel Mayr (Presenting Author)
        • Exploring the interplay: PISA 2022 results, achievement, and teacher dynamics in the classroom (Poster Presentation)


          • Getriin Aaviste (Presenting Author)
          • Karin Täht (Co-Author)
        • Children´s perceived effort and learning in (increasing) interleaved practice in mathematics (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 06 - Instructional Design

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Nicole Hollmann (Presenting Author)
          • Lea Nemeth (Co-Author)
          • Nike Scheitz (Co-Author)
          • Johannes Osterberg (Co-Author)
          • Frank Lipowsky (Co-Author)
          • Rita Borromeo Ferri (Co-Author)
        • Enhancing conditional strategy knowledge in math: To block, interleave or interleave increasingly? (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 06 - Instructional Design

          Domain Instructional Design


          • Nike Scheitz (Presenting Author)
          • Lea Nemeth (Co-Author)
          • Nicole Hollmann (Co-Author)
          • Johannes Osterberg (Co-Author)
          • Frank Lipowsky (Co-Author)
          • Rita Borromeo Ferri (Co-Author)
        • Cognitive and motivational-emotional profile of students with math learning difficulties (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 15 - Special Educational Needs

          Domain Learning and Special Education


          • Triin Kivirähk (Presenting Author)
          • Eve Kikas (Co-Author)
          • Mairi Männamaa (Co-Author)
          • Aaro Toomela (Co-Author)
          • Evelyn Kiive (Co-Author)
        • The relationship between teachers' beliefs about mathematics in primary education (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Kristi Pikk (Presenting Author)
          • Äli Leijen (Co-Author)
          • Jelena Radisic (Co-Author)
          • Krista Uibu (Co-Author)
        • General and Mathematics-specific Aspects of Instructional Quality: A Systematic Literature Review (Poster Presentation)

          SIG SIG 11 - Teaching and Teacher Education

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Aslihan Bayrak (Presenting Author)
          • Stefan Ufer (Co-Author)
      • Session J:7 - Roundtable: Writing and Literacy in Education (Aula Máster 1)

        Chair Suvi Kanerva
        • Impact of Rubric-Based Dialogic Feedback on Secondary School Students' Writing Motivation (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 01 - Assessment and Evaluation

          Domain Assessment and Evaluation


          • Jan-Sébastien Dion (Presenting Author)
        • Changes in reading habits among Georgian and Finnish adolescents during the Covid-19 pandemic. (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 10 - Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction

          Domain Learning and Social Interaction


          • Zhuzhuna Gviniashvili (Presenting Author)
        • Language-promoting questions in primary classroom-discourse – how do they affect student learning? (Roundtable)

          SIG SIG 26 - Argumentation, Dialogue and Reasoning

          Domain Teaching and Teacher Education


          • Lena Biele (Presenting Author)
          • Rebecca Höhr (Co-Author)
          • Anna Volodina (Co-Author)
          • Birgit Heppt (Co-Author)
    • -

      Closing Ceremony

    • -

      Farewell Coffee


We were honoured to welcome these keynote speakers to the conference!

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Helge Ivar Strømsø

University of Oslo, Norway

Learning from Multiple Information Sources: Challenges and Potential Advantages


Kaśka Porayska-Pomsta

University College London, UK

What does AI in Education Research Tell Us About the Role of AI in Supporting Human Learning?


Ladislao Salmerón

University of Valencia, Spain

Reading on Screens: Insights from the Lab, the Schools and Beyond


We were excited to offer all delegates a varied programme of outstanding and interactive workshops on relevant and timely topics.

Andreas Gegenfurtner and Carla Quesada Pallares

University of Augsburg

Mixed-Method Research

Christina Hadjisoteriou

University of Nicosia, Cyprus

Scaffolding Interculturalism in our Schools and Classrooms

Hans Gruber and Ann Corney

University of Regensburg / Elsevier

Publishing in Scholarly Journals

Helge Ivar Strømsø

University of Oslo

Reviewing science: why, how, and writing it up

Ioulia Televantou

European University, Cyprus

Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling: Applications in Educational Research (2 sessions)

María García Serrano, Javier Rosales, Madalin Deliu

University of Salamanca

Effective Meeting Skills (pre-registration required - fully booked)

Jo Van Herwegen

University College London

Writing a successful research funding application

Johannes Naumann

Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Using International Large Scale Assessment Data for Research (pre-registration required - fully booked)

Manuel Perea

University of Valencia

From frequentist to Bayesian statistics

Kaśka Porayska-Pomsta

University College London

The ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Kevin Ackermans

Open University (NL)

Creating AI-generated Educational Videos for your Experiments

Michael S. C. Thomas

University of London

Science communication and early career researchers

Paul O'Keefe

University of Exeter Business School

Combating Social Injustice with Psychological Interventions

Zoltan Dienes

University of Sussex

Improving Research Rigour with Registered Reports

Jo Van Herwegen and Michael S. C. Thomas

University College London

Practical and Policy Implications of Research


The review process is the most important aspect of organising the JURE conference, as the outcome of this process will determine the scientific quality of the conference, and the quality of the participants' experience.

Thank you to the 464 senior and junior reviewers who have kindly helped to safeguard the scientific quality of the JURE 2024 conference!

JURE 2024 - Review Guidelines

JURE 2024 - Review Rationale


Registrations for JURE 2024 have now closed.

All fees are VAT inclusive, with the exception of companies established in Spain. Spanish companies with a registered VAT number will be offered a fee exclusive of VAT. These entities will be liable for VAT payment in Spain through the reverse charge principle.

The reduced rate applies to JURE members and EARLI members currently working in low GDP countries (consult the list of qualifying countries).

The regular rate applies to full EARLI members who do not meet the requirements for the reduced rate, as described above.

Conference fees include access to all conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunches.

Travel Grant

The EARLI Board of Directors is committed to recognise high-quality research conducted in countries that are facing financial struggles and where researchers have little access to funds. As such, the EARLI Board has awarded 10 JURE 2024 presenters with a one-off bursary towards their travel and accommodation costs, and a fully waived conference fee for JURE 2024.

Applications for the JURE 2024 Travel Grant have now closed.

Find out more

Social Events

It's not all work and no play at JURE 2024! Our JURE conferences are known for providing formal and informal spaces to connect with fellow delegates and senior researchers while enjoying the best that the city of Sevilla has to offer. We were proud to offer a wide range of social events to boost your conference experience.

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Guided City Tour

Sunday 23rd of June

“Los sentidos de Sevilla" [The Senses of Seville] is a route through the Cathedral and Santa Cruz Neighborhood surroundings, an ancient location guiding us through sight, hearing, touch, smell... A stroll through history accompanied by scents, live music, historical characters, replicas... A different and innovative vision of the city.

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Boat tour on the Guadalquivir river

Monday 24th of June

The Guadalquivir River crosses Seville, navigating between the Triana neighborhood - one of the most iconic neighborhoods in the city - and one of the most historical areas of Seville. From the boat, you will enjoy wonderful views and an audio-guide that tells about the monuments and historical buildings that can be observed. The boat has a bar where drinks can be ordered (not included in the ticket price).

El greco portrait of the artists son 1603 obelisk art history

Guided visit to the Fine Arts Museum

Tuesday 25th of June

The Museum of Fine Arts of Seville is one of the most important art galleries in Spain and is worth seeing, not only for its artworks, but also for the architectural richness of the building itself and the surrounding environment. We will get first-hand knowledge of the works of some of the most significant painters in Art History such as Murillo, Velázquez, Valdés Leal, Mercadante de Bretaña, Torrigiano, Zurbarán… .

Real Fabrica de tabacos

Guided tour of the Rectorate Building

Wednesday 26th of June

The building that houses the Rectorate of the University of Seville is a gigantic construction that was built in the 18th century as a cigarette factory. At that time, it was the largest cigarette factory in Europe, and its production was based on tobacco that arrived from the Spanish colonies in America thanks to the navigability of the Guadalquivir River up to Seville. During this guided tour, we will learn about the history of this impressive building, the University of Seville, and the society of the time. You probably know Carmen, the protagonist of the opera that bears her name. She was a worker in that cigarette factory, and her tragic story largely unfolded within those walls.

T NH collection sevilla 173

Conference Dinner

Thursday 27th of June

Join us for the JURE 2024 Conference dinner at the lovely NH Collection Sevilla Hotel. Tickets are available for purchase at € 55,66 (excl. VAT) and can be bought with your conference registration. A ticket to the conference dinner will offer you a welcome cocktail followed by a three course meal with drinks included. Dietary wishes can be accommodated and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided as well.

Button networks

Lunch with Professors

Wednesday 26th and Friday 28th of June

Join the JURE 2024 Lunch with Professors to have an informal chat with the JURE 2024 workshop leaders and keynotes! You can ask them about their career choices, lessons learned, and valuable advice for junior researchers all while enjoying a tasty lunch!

Wednesday 26th of June
Ladislao Salmeron and Johannes Naumann (Aula 4)
Manuel Perea and Jo Van Herwegen (Aula 5)

Friday 28th of June
Helge Strømsø and Paul O'Keefe (Aula 4)
Ioulia Televantou and Kevin Ackermans (Aula 5)


Please consider the following important dates in preparing for the JURE 2024 conference:

  • Submissions Open

  • Submission Deadline

  • Registrations Open

  • Review Deadline

  • Review Results

  • Early Bird Deadline

  • Presenter Registration Deadline

  • Conference Programme Available

  • JURE 2024 Conference


Pablo Delgado Herrera
JURE 2024 Chair
University of Sevilla, Spain

Madalin Marian Deliu
University of Salamanca, Spain

Nadina Gomez Merino
University of Valencia, Spain

Moonika Teppo
University of Tartu, Estonia

Tryfonas Papadamou
University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Contact us


We would like to thank our sponsors and exhibitors:

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University of Sevilla

The University of Sevilla, nestled in the heart of the historic city of Sevilla in Spain, is a venerable institution with a rich legacy dating back to 1505. Boasting a stunning campus that seamlessly blends modern facilities with centuries-old architecture, the university is a hub of academic excellence and cultural vibrancy. Renowned for its diverse range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, the institution attracts students from around the globe. The university's commitment to research and innovation is evident in its state-of-the-art laboratories and collaboration with international institutions.


The EAPRIL conference offers a unique setting where academic research and practice meet , in a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere where there is a place for everyone. At the EAPRIL conference you can meet with international colleagues within or just outside your field of expertise and establish new connections and collaborations


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Founded in 1958, IEA is an independent, international cooperative of national research institutions, governmental research agencies, scholars, and analysts working to research, understand, and improve education worldwide. IEA conducts large-scale studies on diverse topics, including mathematics, science, reading, civic and citizenship education, and early childhood and teacher education. By linking research, policy, and practice, we support countries to understand effective practices in their education systems and to develop evidence-based policies to improve education.
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MAXQDA is a world-leading software for qualitative and mixed methods data analysis. Analyze all kinds of data – from texts to images and audio/video files, websites, tweets, focus group discussions, survey responses, and much more. MAXQDA is at once powerful and easy-to-use, innovative and user-friendly, as well as the only leading QDA software that is 100% identical on Windows and Mac.
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